Garlic buns are gorgeousalternative to regular bread. They are perfectly combined with different dishes, and in particular with borscht or other soups. In addition, we all know about the benefits of garlic. It must necessarily enter our menu in the cold season, when the risk of catching a cold or flu increases. So, offer to your court several options for cooking these culinary products.
They taste a bit like Ukrainianpampushki. Therefore, especially suitable for soups and borscht. If you decide to pamper your household with garlic buns, then you need to prepare the following products. For the test: a glass of warm water, dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons, two and a half glasses of flour, olive oil - two tablespoons, one teaspoon of sugar and salt. For garlic mix: 5-7 cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of melted cream and olive oil, a quarter of a glass of chopped fresh parsley.
We begin with a yeast dough.We dissolve yeast in warm water and pour olive oil. Separately mix flour with sugar and salt. We combine the ingredients and knead the dough. If necessary, add a little flour. We transfer the dough into a bowl, close it with polyethylene and leave it for 60 minutes. After that, roll it out and cut it into thin long strips. We form buns.
We cover the baking tray with baking paper andlay out on it pampushki. Leave for half an hour to come. Then we send it to the oven and bake at a temperature of 190-200 degrees for a quarter of an hour until the buns are browned.
We now turn to the preparation of garlic mixture.Garlic is cleaned and crushed. Parsley is mine and finely chopped. Mix them and add the cream and olive oil. Ready-made hot buns are dipped in a garlic mix. On the table they must be served hot.
As you know, in this wonderful kitchen assistantyou can prepare a variety of dishes - from soups to baked goods and desserts. Today we decided to tell you how to prepare delicate, tasty and fragrant garlic buns in a multivarquet.
To begin with, prepare all the ingredients: sugar - 2 tsp, 200 ml of water, dry yeast - 2 tsp, 1.5 tsp. salt, 3 cups flour, 3 cloves garlic and a little vegetable oil.
In warm water we brew yeast with sugar.Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour. After this time, add a little vegetable oil (a couple of tablespoons) and salt. We mix it well. Then gradually add the flour and knead the soft dough. We cover it with a towel or a film and leave it in a warm place for about an hour and a half.
Divide the dough into several equal parts andwe roll them into balls. Lubricate the bowl of multivark oil and put in it the future buns. Turn on the "Baking" mode and bake our pampushki on one side for 60 minutes. Then turn to the other side and continue to prepare another quarter of an hour.
While buns are baked, let's preparegarlic mixture. To do this, clean and finely chop garlic, add to it two tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Also in the mixture can be added finely chopped dill.
Ready pampushki removed from the multivark and properly lubricated with garlic sauce. While the buns have not cooled down, we serve them on the table and enjoy great taste and aroma! Bon Appetit!
Probably, in every house there are situations whensome dishes are not eaten. Quite often this fate befalls a variety of porridges. Today we want to tell you how to use the remnants of millet cereal to make delicious and tender garlic rolls.
For cooking garlic buns to usthe following ingredients will be needed: half a teaspoon of sugar and salt, two tablespoons of olive oil, a chicken egg, six cups of flour, one cup of milk, a bag of dry yeast, several cloves of garlic, a pinch of red hot pepper and 800 grams of millet porridge.
Готовую пшенную кашу смешиваем с молоком и при help blender to the consistency of mashed potatoes. We put the mass on a small fire and gradually heat it up. We introduce an egg, a little sifted flour, yeast, butter, chopped garlic, sugar, salt, pepper and mix well. Then gradually add the remaining flour and knead the soft and plastic dough. Heat the oven to 30-40 degrees and put the dough there for a half hour's lift. When it rises, we form buns, put them on a baking tray and send them to a heated oven for 200 degrees for half an hour. A few minutes before you can grease pampushki milk. Ready garlic buns are taken out and immediately served on the table. Bon Appetit!