Lentil purée soup is a great firsta dish that can please not only good taste, but also to enrich the body with valuable vitamins and minerals. Prepare as it is quite simple, especially when cooking world offers so many interesting options.
Merjimek Chorbasy
This Turkish soup-purée of lentils is often called a "poor dish". In part, this definition is true, because it was originally submitted in simple rural families.
So, for its preparation you will need:quarter kilogram red lentil, 1 large onion, 1 tablespoon flour, olive oil and butter, about 2 tablespoons tomato paste, dried mint, salt, paprika and peppers.
To create such soup-puree from lentils, at firstit is thoroughly washed, then poured with two liters of cold water, give a boil and leave to languish until the beans are not boiled. After that, the fire is turned off.
Next on the butter fry to a translucent condition onions. Remove it and transfer it to the lentil.
In the same frying pan, melt again a littleButter, but this time mixed with olive oil. As soon as all has heated up, add flour and with constant stirring fry until the appearance of a nut smell. At this point, introduce tomato paste and spices, according to a pinch of each. Tumble again for two to three minutes and transfer to lentils and onions, thoroughly mixing.
The final stage of preparation is grinding soup in puree. This is done with a blender. After that the dish is salted, decorated and served.
Dinner for a diplomat
However, these beans are loved not only in rural areas. And because culinary aristocracy was developed soup-puree from red lentils, worthy of the table of courtiers and diplomats.
So, to make it, you will need:a quarter of a kilogram of lentils, large tomatoes and onions (1 piece each), 1 red bell pepper, various smoked meats, red ground pepper and salt, olive oil.
The very process of creation is as followsway: in a frying pan with olive oil fry all vegetables, cut into any shape. Once they have a golden hue, lentils are poured into them and stewed with the addition of a small amount of water until it becomes soft. Then pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, pour it with a liter of water and cook for fifteen minutes.
Soup is removed from the fire, allowed to cool slightly,ground with a blender. But that it has acquired the true aristocracy, smoked cut thinnest strips, put in a dish and pour prepared soup puree.
Greetings from Naples
But on the Italian "boot" this first dish is somewhat different as a list of products, and the way of cooking.
So, the mashed soup of Lentil in Neapolitan will require: two hundred grams of lentils, one piece of onions, celery and carrot root, pasta - about 50 grams and cream, sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
All vegetables should be rinsed well and folded intopan, pour them with two glasses of water. Cook the future broth should be until the full availability of lentils, which means about two hours. After that, it must be extracted from onions, celery and carrots, cool a little and grind it with a blender or rub through a sieve.
Prepare the paste before half-prepared. It along with three tablespoons of cream and butter should be added to the cream soup of lentils. After that, salt and serve.
Here are such simple, but at the same time tasty options for cooking "poor people's meals."