Custard "Charlotte", the recipe of which wewe'll take a closer look at it, it's done quite easily and quickly. It is worth noting that such a delicacy based on egg yolk is used during the preparation of many cakes and pastries. It is thanks to him that desserts are not only very delicious and aromatic, but also beautiful.
Components for a sweet product:
Custard "Charlotte", the recipe of whichit is enough simple, it is necessary to start to prepare with careful whipping of all egg yolks. To do this, it is recommended to use a blender or a conventional mixer. After the chicken product is converted into a lush and homogeneous mass, it is required to pour in granulated sugar, and then again perform a similar whipping procedure.
In connection with the fact that the cream "Charlotte" chocolateis a brewed product, the preparation of egg yolks should be necessarily heated in a water bath. But before this to the whipped mass, it is desirable to pour a little fresh and fatty milk. It should be specially noted that during the heating of all these components, they must be regularly mixed with a whisk. Carry out heat treatment on a water bath until the weight thickens properly.
After you make all the describedaction, the egg-milk formula is required to be removed from the fire and slightly cool in the calm air. In the meantime, it is advisable to deal with the processing of butter. It should be removed in advance from the freezer or cold store and wait until it is completely softened. Then the melted culinary fat should be whipped with a mixer (at the highest speed), gradually adding a small amount of cognac.
When both masses for the custard are ready, they need to be combined together and mixed again using a blender.
After the chocolate bar becomes liquid, itsGently pour into the previously prepared base and mix thoroughly. Next, the cream should be placed in the refrigerator and kept there until the direct use.
Cream "Charlotte" (prescription, photos are presented above)it is good to use during the creation of delicious biscuit cakes. To do this, the cakes should be abundantly greased with a sweet chocolate product and allowed to soak for several hours.