/ Lentil Soup: recipes with photos

Lentil soup: recipes with photo

Delicious, nutritious and extraordinarily usefula product of vegetable origin - lentils, which was grown just over a hundred years ago on the territory of Russia, has been experiencing its "second birth" again in the last 10-15 years.

This culture was used in the preparation of dishes of Slavic cuisines, as well as European, Mediterranean, eastern.

In this article, we will consider recipes for soups made of lentils (with a photo), cooked on meat or vegetable broth.


According to history, in the 90s of the XIX century, residentsRussia experienced a severe drought and famine. Many crops were lost: buckwheat, wheat, rye and so on. People were on the verge of desperation from despair and lack of food. But they remembered about lentils, which helped to escape from hunger.

Simply at that time in the territory of Russian lands a huge number of these legumes grew (the area of ​​sowing was 1 million hectares).

By its nature, lentils are unpretentious - growing inany soil and in different conditions. And from ready-made beans, you can cook not only cereals and first courses, but also bread, cutlets, sausages, confectionery and so on.

It is also known that before ancient Egypt lentils were used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Among the first, there were noble pharaohs, and among the latter - poor people.

Also this product is widely used in cooking among the inhabitants of Asia and the Mediterranean countries.

Lentil soup

About the utility of lentils

This vegetable product, in addition to the described qualities, is also known for its nutritional properties, high content of important vitamins and microelements.

First of all, it is a protein that is contained inthe lentils are of the order of 60%. In view of the low caloric content, such an indicator of the protein component makes these beans an indispensable ingredient for those who do not consume meat. Moreover, it is even better and easier to assimilate.

Also there are fats, natural sugar, starch, fiber, vitamins A, E, B, PP. In sprouted legumes, there is also vitamin C.

Macro and trace elements: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, zinc, iodine and others.

In medicine, hundreds of years ago, lentils were recommendeduse it for people with a disturbance of mental balance, because it also has a calming effect. But this quality has been preserved in the plant to this day.

High content of folic acid makesthe product is indispensable for pregnant women. Also, the dishes from these beans are recommended to be used for preventive purposes in such diseases as gastritis, ulcers, cancer of the rectum and mammary glands, diabetes mellitus.

Cultivation and collection

It is surprising that at the present time such an important anda useful plant is practically not grown on the territory of the Slavic countries. Just lentils ripen unevenly, and this requires exclusively manual collection.

A high degree of application of mechanisms for suchgoals is not suitable for a given culture. That is why these legumes are grown and exported mostly in the East, India, where it is possible to collect lentils by hand.

Delicious first courses that will be excellentdecoration of the dining table, as well as a source of many useful elements for the whole family - lentil soups prepared according to recipes with vegetables, meat, spices and other legumes, - further in the article.

Classic soup recipe

This is the easiest way to prepare the first dish of lentils, in which, in addition to the main ingredient, there are salt, vinegar, garlic and greens.

Process description and components:

  1. It is good to wash lentils of any kind (200 grams) and pour into a container.
  2. Add 1 liter of drinking water and boil the broth until cooked.
  3. At the end of the cooking process, add salt (5 grams), chopped garlic (20 grams), vinegar (10 milliliters).

Serve a dish with finely chopped fresh (or dried) greens and rye bread.

Lentil soup with sour cream

With soy sauce and potatoes

The recipe for soup with lentils and vegetables, which can becook at any time of the year, will be a real godsend for the hostess of a large family. After all, this dish can be tasty and satisfying to feed both children and adults.

Ingredients and steps of preparation:

  1. Lentils (100 g) soak in water or simply wash.
  2. Pour into a container and add 2 liters of drinking water.
  3. Cook until softened component.
  4. Potatoes (200 g) should be cleaned and chopped in large pieces.
  5. Carrots (100 g), celery stalk (1 piece) and onion (100 g) chop.
  6. Passevat vegetables alternately in vegetable oil (30 milliliters): first onions, carrots, celery. Potatoes separately.
  7. Pour the ingredients into the broth.
  8. Add salt (10 g), ground black pepper (3 g), dried garlic (5 g).
  9. Season the dish with soy sauce (15 milliliters) and lemon juice (5 milliliters)
  10. Cook another 15 minutes.
    The process of making soup from lentils

Lentil purée soup

The unique dish, which is the mostpopular in Turkey. Each housewife has her own secret of cooking soup-puree from lentils, the recipe of which is kept secret. But it is known that a special flavor of the dish is attached to the spice of zira and mint leaves.

Ingredients and stages of preparation:

  1. 30 grams of rice pour water for 10 minutes, then remove the liquid.
  2. Red lentils (200 g) to wash.
  3. Finely chop onion (100 g) and saute on vegetable oil (20 milliliters) in a deep frying pan or cast-iron pan.
  4. Diced fresh tomatoes (150 g), pour into onions, stew.
  5. Add rice and lentils, mix.
  6. After 5 minutes, pour the components of 1.7 liters of water and cook until softened lentils.
  7. Then grind the finished dish with a blender and boil for a few more minutes.
  8. At the end of the cooking process, add salt (15 g), black ground pepper (5 g), zir (5 g), lemon juice (10 milliliters), crushed dry mint leaves (4 g).

Serve the soup with homemade croutons or chopped red pepper.

Lentil purée soup

Italian soup

This dish will surprise the real gourmets who prefer the original first dishes with sausages and lentils.

The meat component is the pride of the Italians, since the real sausages are prepared solely from a mixture of pork and beef meat, ground to the state of minced meat and seasoned with fennel.

Preparation of soup from lentils step by step (recipe with photo):

  1. Pour 100 grams of lentils with water and set aside for 60 minutes.
    Preparation of lentils for soup preparation
  2. Chop finely onions (100 grams) and season with vegetable oil (30 milliliters).
  3. Grind the sausages (4 pieces) and pour into onions, fry.
  4. Carrot (100 grams) cut into strips and add to the ingredients.
    Vegetables for lentil soup
  5. In the container pour lentils and add 1 liter of water or broth, cook for 30 minutes.
  6. Add salt (10 grams), oregano (2 grams), fresh garlic (crushed garlic) and ground black pepper (3 grams) to the dish.
  7. Cook another 20 minutes.

Serve the soup with finely chopped fresh parsley.


This first dish of lentils also hasItalian origin. It is prepared on a meat broth or water with the addition of a sufficiently large number of vegetables, herbs and spices. The soup has a thick consistency.

Ingredients and preparation:

  1. Lentil (100 grams) to wash and boil.
  2. Potatoes (100 grams), onions (80 grams) and garlic (10 grams), cut into small pieces.
  3. Bacon (200 grams) cut into medium pieces and fry in vegetable oil (20 milliliters) in a deep container, add the garlic.
  4. After 5 minutes, put the onion and saute along with the ingredients.
  5. Tomatoes canned with cubes (500 grams), pour together with juice in a container to the products being prepared, stew for several minutes.
  6. Add potatoes and broth (3 liters), cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  7. Put the lentils in the soup, add finely chopped celery (10 grams), salt (15 grams), ground black pepper (5 grams) and basil.

Lentil soup in Mexican style

A rich first course, which is prepared on chicken broth. In its composition lentils, peas, beans, dried and fresh vegetables, as well as a variety of spices.

In this soup there is a lot of protein component, and therefore (if desired), meat can be excluded altogether.

Components and cooking:

  1. In a deep container put white and red beans (50 grams), dry peas (50 grams), colored lentils (50 grams), mix.
  2. Add to the bean spicery (turmeric, ground black pepper, basil, cumin 1 gram), mix and set aside.
  3. Chop small potatoes (200 grams) and chicken fillet (150 grams), cook broth (30 minutes).
  4. Put the boiled ingredients in a bowl, and pour the beans into the liquid with spices, and add the dried tomato, parsley, garlic.
  5. Prepare the soup for 40 minutes, then put back the potatoes and meat, add finely chopped onions (100 grams).
  6. After 15 minutes, salt the dish (15 grams) and remove from the plate.

If there is not enough sharpness, it is recommended to addground chili pepper. Serve a delicious soup of lentils, prepared according to the recipe, with crushed fresh herbs, corn tortillas and sour cream sauce.

Ready-made lentil soup

Soup with feta cheese

Surprisingly useful, dietary and original first course - with lentils, different root vegetables, Indian spices, Italian cheese.

Such soup can easily surprise even the most demanding gourmet. And be sure to please the family, relatives and friends.

Ingredients and preparation:

  1. Carrots (200 grams), trout (150 grams), onions (100 grams), parsnips (150 grams) and garlic (10 grams) are prepared - cleaned and ground.
  2. Wash the red lentils (200 grams).
  3. Pass the root vegetables and lentils in vegetable oil (40 milliliters) in a deep container.
  4. Add the tomato paste (100 milliliters) and a mixture of Indian spices garam masala (10 grams), cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Pre-boil the drinking water (1.2 liters) and pour the ingredients.
  6. Rub vegetable or meat broth cubes (1 piece) and pour into a container.
  7. Prepare the soup until the softness of the lentils (about 20-30 minutes).
  8. At the end of the cooking process, add salt (15 grams), black ground pepper (4 grams), lemon juice (30 milliliters).

Serve the dish with feta cheese (20 grams per serving) and finely chopped fresh herbs.

Vegetarian lentil soup

Vegetable soup with lentils in a multivariate

This dish, prepared in a multifunctional kitchen appliance, will please relatives and relatives with a special combination of products, satiety and aroma.

According to this recipe, red lentil soup can be cooked sometimes when you want to arrange a small family holiday, having treated an unusual dinner.

The cooking time is 3 hours and 40 minutes. Serve recommended with finely chopped fresh herbs and homemade croutons.

Ingredients and steps of preparation:

  1. Red lentils (150 grams) fill with water and set aside.
  2. Onions (80 grams), carrots (100 grams) and garlic (15 grams) should be cleaned and chopped finely.
  3. Passeirovat in a bowl on vegetable oil (50 milliliters) in the program "Bake" (20 minutes).
  4. Fresh mushrooms (300 grams) and potatoes (150 grams) should be cleaned, washed and chopped in large pieces.
  5. Lay the vegetables to fried ingredients, add bay leaf (5 grams) and drinking water (2 liters), cook in the "Quenching" program (60 minutes).
  6. Then pour lentils, salt (15 grams) and thyme (5 grams), cook 60 minutes in the program "Quenching".
  7. After the signal, turn on "warm up" and simmer the dish for another 60 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle on a delicious, cooked-for-multivark soup of lentil with parsley.


For the first courses, the main component (lentils) can be chosen from different varieties: French, red, orange, yellow, green, brown. It is recommended to combine several types at once.

In any case, the recipes of soup of lentils are easy to prepare, and the finished dish is different with excellent taste, nutrition and utility - for both children and adults.

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