/ / Cocktails of ice-cream at home: recipes

Cocktails of ice-cream at home: recipes

Homemade ice cream cocktails are greatdelicacy. He is loved by children, but adults are also crazy about him. You can combine different ingredients and get a new taste. Someone chooses fresh fruit and berries, and someone uses natural juices. In any case, recipes for ice cream cocktails will be useful to every lover of sweet. Even those who are indifferent to such a taste, or, in particular, to ice cream, often can not refuse a glass filled with such a cocktail and beautifully decorated with berries or mint. Also there are special recipes for lovers of sour. They contain lemon juice.

The simplest recipe with juice

In order to prepare the most basic cocktail of ice cream, you need a minimum number of ingredients, namely:

  • 200 grams of natural sebum, with vanillin;
  • 200 grams of carbonated water, not sweet;
  • 200 grams of orange juice.

The plus of this recipe is that you do not even need a blender to make a cocktail with ice cream at home.

Glasses for feeding it is better to choose transparent,pre-cooling them in the refrigerator. Ice cream is laid out on the bottom. Fills with juice. From above pour in soda water, it helps the cocktail to get a beautiful foam.

This number of ingredients is designed for two or three cocktails. You can also replace orange juice with pineapple or apple juice. Excellent and cherry.

cocktail with mint and chocolate

Milk delicacy: a riot of flavors

Another variant of this dessert contains two kinds of milk. Also it is necessary to stock up and berries. To prepare such a milkshake with ice cream at home, you need the following products:

  • A glass of coconut milk.
  • 100 grams of filling.
  • A few strawberry berries. You can use both fresh and frozen berries.
  • A couple of spoons of milk with a fat content of about seven percent.

Strawberries are cleaned from green leaves, crumblefork to the state of gruel. With the help of a blender, ice cream is beaten, then berries are added to it. Shake again. A cocktail of ice cream at home is homogeneous if all the ingredients are poured in turn, mixing. Now you can pour both types of milk and whip again. If desired, while serving cocktails to the table, you can additionally decorate the glasses with halves of berries. You can also use other berries, for example, blueberries or currants. Then the drink will be more acidic. It is not recommended to take raspberries, because in it small bones and a cocktail have to filter.

Another simple version of a delicious drink

In order to prepare a milkshake with the addition of ice cream, do not need a lot of ingredients. For example, they only need three for this recipe:

  • One ripe banana.
  • A glass of milk.
  • 200 grams of ice cream. In order not to interrupt the taste of a banana, it is better to take vanilla ice cream or at all without additives.

Banana knead with a fork, put in milk andbeat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Now add the ice cream and whisk again. Also, to this cocktail of ice cream, you can add strawberries. It is perfectly combined with a banana. Also, strawberries can be used as decorations of a ready-made cocktail with a banana.

Cocktail "Advocate": ingredients and recipe

This recipe is quite interesting and original. To surprise them guests, you need to take:

  • Egg yolk.
  • 100 grams of ice cream.
  • 20 ml of coconut cream.
  • 20 ml of sugar syrup.
  • Three tablespoons of milk.

Preparing this cocktail is easy.All components are mixed with a blender and poured into glasses. At the bottom you can put an apple circle. You can also decorate the edge of the glass. To do this, the apple is cleaned, cut into circles, and then the core is cut out. Half circle put on the edge of the glass. Lightly sprinkled with cinnamon.

beautiful cocktail

Sweet and sour cocktails

Not everyone loves the sweet. However, for such people there is a variant of making a cocktail with ice cream at home. For one of the recipes you need:

  • 50 ml of milk from the refrigerator.
  • 50 ml of lemon juice.
  • 30 grams of black grapes.
  • 50 grams of ice cream.

Grapes are placed on the bottom of a chilled glass. At that time, lemon juice, ice cream and milk are mixed in a separate bowl. Pour berries with the received drink. Suffices for one serving of cocktail.

cocktail with coffee

Drink with bitter chocolate

For this cocktail you should prepare:

  • Slightly more than half a glass of sparkling water.
  • A couple of spoons of lemon juice.
  • Three tablespoons of ice cream.
  • Bitter chocolate to taste.

First, the soda is mixed with lemon juice.Ice cream is also sent here. All beat up with a mixer. On top of bitter chocolate. If desired, the amount of ingredients can be changed. For example, lovers of sour can put more lemon juice, add an orange. Those who love bitterness in drinks can use grapefruit juice or even add more chocolate.

ice cream in a cocktail

Alcoholic recipe: amaretto and milk

On the basis of amaretto prepare a lot of cocktails. With ice cream this drink is also perfectly combined. To prepare by this recipe, take:

  • 175 grams of amaretto.
  • The same amount of fatty milk.
  • A glass of vanilla ice cream.

The easiest option is to combine all the ingredients.and beat with a blender. However, you can vary this recipe. To do this, mix the milk and alcoholic beverage. At the bottom of the glass to put ice cream, and then pour the liquid ingredients. To decorate such a cocktail is best mint leaves.

Coffee Mint Cocktail

In order to prepare such an original drink, you need:

  • Half a cup of brewed coffee. The strength depends on the taste of the cook.
  • A pair of fresh mint leaves.
  • 150 ml of cold milk.
  • 400 grams of ice cream.

Mint crushed with a knife. Combine all the ingredients and beat with a blender. If desired, you can increase the number of some ingredients.

Chocolate Milkshake

The combination of milk and chocolate has long been considered a classic. To prepare take:

  • 50 grams of chocolate without additives.
  • One third cup of milk.
  • A pair of ice cream spoons.

First you need to dissolve the chocolate so that itexactly mixed with milk. To do this, heat the milk, add chopped chocolate, stir, not allowing to boil. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove and send to cool to room temperature. When everything is ready, combine the chocolate drink and ice cream, beat. You can also decorate with grated chocolate on top. You can use both dark and milk chocolate.


Ice cream cocktails are easy to prepare at home.Even the absence of a blender can not prevent enjoy a delicious, sweet and interesting kind of drink. Banana and strawberry, apple and milk are perfectly combined with ice cream, coconut cream can also be used. By the way, ice cream can also be supplemented with lemon juice or egg yolk. Each cocktail has its own unique taste. And many people like to experiment, discovering all the new recipes, trying them, leaving them to memory.

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