/ How should the cake look like for dad?

What should a cake look like for a dad?

Чтобы поздравить близкого человека, мало сказать he has a good toast or a couple of kind words. People, as a rule, prefer to see with their own eyes manifestations of feelings. In the family - the same picture. If the father is scheduled some kind of solemn date, the best gift from his wife and children will be a cake for the pope. You can make it with your own hands or order in a store.

Life situations

Зря некоторые думают, что сладкое любят только women. In fact, men in this matter from them do not lag behind. In most families, they are the biggest sweet tooth. And if it concerns a holiday, arranged in their honor, then its main attribute is cake for the pope. And the occasion for the celebration can be any event. The main thing is that it really means something to his culprit. It can be anything: a jubilee, a sporting achievement, Father's Day, February 23, or just luck associated with a hobby.

cake for dad

In any case, the papa cake is anotherthe opportunity for family members to tell about their love for a loved one. As a rule, the main performer is the mother. It is she who assumes the most responsible role. Children also try to take part in this. Usually they are generators of ideas. But they often only have to decorate the cake for the pope. Although this mission is no less important than baking cakes or preparing a cream. After all, the external design should be as meaningful as possible and clearly demonstrate the reason for the holiday.

Different options

Most often a cake is made for a dad for a daybirth. This is one of the biggest family holidays, regardless of age. And he is waited not only by the birthday boy. Children are also happy about this event. When mom goes to the kitchen, they try to follow her closely to be a witness to everything that happens there. The main attention, of course, is given to the cake. Therefore, it is necessary to think well not only its formula, but also its form. To emphasize the significance of the birthday man, such a product is sometimes made in many-storeyed. In this case, the decoration can be classic in the form of roses and a standard inscription. And to make the confectionery creation more intimate, it can be shaped like a heart.

birthday cake for dad
It is best if allfamily members. Mom can neatly arrange the foundation, promazav design cream on all sides. And the children will be left with only a confectionery syringe or a sack with their own hands to put drawings on it. This can be, for example, the figure of the pope himself or of all family members. Such a gift can not not be liked.

Element of decor

Sometimes it is difficult to decide what should becake. I want everything to be as neat and beautiful as possible. In this case, it is better to use special means for decor. Mastic is very good for this situation. It is easy to make it yourself, using powdered sugar. As additional components, you can take egg white, starch, gelatin, marshmallow or marshmallow. Of these, a mass is produced, which is then formed as a regular sheet. They usually completely cover the whole cake from above, and also make from individual pieces of figurines or the present figure.

cake for dad for birthday photo of mastic

What can I advise to make itchic and rather original cake for dad for a birthday? A photo. The base is made of mastic, covered with sugar or waffle paper, on which a picture or picture is printed with food dyes. True, it is not easy to make such a miracle. Additional materials and special skills will be required. Therefore, it is better to focus on three-dimensional figures. The surface of the festive cake can be presented in the form of a suit with a white shirt and tie or a sports T-shirt with a favorite player's number. And if the dad - a fan of golf, then the field with holes and balls will be just the ideal option. Everything depends only on the birthday boy.

As easy as pie

It's only at first glance it seems that it's hard to come up with a cake for dad for a birthday. Recipes are very different. A biscuit chocolate version is a win-win.

It is done very simply, literally in four stages:

  • First you need to bake a biscuit. It is better to make some cakes.
  • After that, they must be soaked. For this case, a mixture consisting of sugar, cognac and water in a ratio of 1: 0.5: 1 is suitable.

cake for dad's birthday recipes

  • Далее наступает очередь крема.In this case, the best is a chocolate oil mixture. It includes: for 2 packets of animal oil, one and a half cans of boiled condensed milk and 4 tablespoons of cocoa. This cream is created very quickly. The first thing to do is to whip the butter, and then gradually add the remaining ingredients to it.
  • The final stage is the assembly. Each cake should be smeared with a prepared cream and do not forget to treat the edges of the product with it.

After that, it remains only to put the finished structure in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours. This cake looks very impressive. In addition, it is also delicious.

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