Tasty and fragrant buns-roses with cottage cheese will become a wonderful decoration for any tea party. From this article you will learn interesting recipes, as well as some secrets of their preparation.

Yeast rolls with cottage cheese
These magnificent and soft buns will not taste like it.only adults, but also children. Even if someone in your family does not like dairy products, in this situation will not be able to resist at the sight of delicious treats. How to cook buns with cottage cheese and raisins? Read carefully the recipe, and boldly get down to business:
- In a large bowl, combine a tablespoon of dry yeast, a tablespoon of flour and a spoonful of sugar. Pour the products 300 ml of water and put the dishes in a warm place.
- When the opara comes up, add one egg, half a glass of sugar and three and a half glasses of sifted flour into it.
- Knead the dough, cover it with a towel and leave to rise for an hour or one and a half.
- For the filling you will need to mix 700 grams of cottage cheese with two chicken proteins, half a cup of sugar and a handful of raisins.
- Divide the dough into small balls. Each piece roll into a flat cake, and put a spoonful of toppings in the center.
- To make the buns the right shape, make three notches from the edge to the center. Protect the edges so that they resemble petals.
Lay the buns on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and grease them with beaten yolk. Warm up the oven, and then place buns in it for 20-25 minutes.

Puff pastry with cottage cheese
Modern housewives are already used to buying inshop ready puff pastry and bake out of it a treat for the whole family. It is very convenient - it saves a lot of time and effort, and the result exceeds all expectations. To quickly cook delicious buns with cottage cheese, you will need:
- Defrost one puff pastry package (500 grams) in the refrigerator and roll each layer with a rolling pin. The thickness of the workpiece should be about 0.5 cm.
- Mix two packets of cottage cheese with four tablespoons of sugar. If you think that the filling turned dry, then add a pair of chicken eggs.
- Each layer of dough spread an even layer of cottage cheese and roll with rolls. Using a sharp knife, cut the workpieces into equal parts.
- Lay the buns on a baking sheet, previously baked with baking paper, and bake them until ready.
When the baking is a little cool, put it on a dish and serve it to a table with hot tea.

Rosettes with cinnamon
Thanks to its composition, this dessert is beautifulsuitable for baby food. The form of baking is sure to attract the attention of the kids and make it even more attractive. How to cook healthy buns with cottage cheese (recipe):
- 100 grams of soft butter wipe with 250 grams of cottage cheese.
- Add two yolks, a little slaked soda and vanilla sugar.
- Sift 450 grams of flour into a bowl and mix all the products thoroughly. You should get a tight, but soft dough.
- Roll out a thick enough layer and cut the same circles with a glass.
- Roll the first piece with roll, and wrap the second and third around it. Protect the edges from below and straighten the petals.
Arrange the cookies on a baking sheet and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake the roses until they turn golden.

Curd rosettes with cheese and garlic
This recipe will appeal to those who preferpiquant taste of sweet. Prepare such baking you will not be difficult, and loved ones will tirelessly thank you and demand an addition. So, we prepare buns-roses with cottage cheese, cheese and garlic:
- For the dough mix 250 grams of cottage cheese, 200 ml of yogurt, 100 ml of sour cream, a teaspoon of salt, a bag of baking powder and 350 grams of sifted flour in a large bowl.
- To prepare a filling, you will needcombine 50-100 grams of butter, spicy herbs (basil, dill, coriander, parsley), 100 grams of grated hard cheese and four cloves of garlic (it should be passed through a press or chopped with a knife).
- From the dough roll two layers 0.5 cm wide, grease them with a filling and sprinkle with grated cheese.
- Roll the work pieces with rolls and cut them into equal parts with a knife.
Bake buns until cooked in a preheated oven.

Burgers from cottage cheese with sweet stuffing
This gentle and delicious cookies will not leave indifferent members of your family. Cook it for breakfast and create a good mood for the whole day. How to bake sweet buns with cottage cheese (recipe):
- First, knead a dense and elastic dough.To do this, mix 200 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of melted (or soft) butter, two egg yolks, one teaspoon of soda, a little salt and two glasses of sifted flour.
- Using a rolling pin, roll a fairly thin rectangular formation out of the dough.
- Now you can tackle the stuffing. Beat two squirrels in a separate bowl with a mixer, and then add ¾ cups of sugar and repeat the operation.
- Evenly lubricate the dough stuffing and roll it with a roll.
- Cut the workpiece into pieces that are three centimeters wide. This must be done quickly, so that the filling does not have time to flow out.
- Put the buns on parchment and send them to bake in the oven.
Rolls-roses with cottage cheese are cooked for about 20 minutes. Remember that if you do not get them out of the oven in time, they can dry out.

Roses with cottage cheese and lemon flavor
You can cook this beautiful dessert literally in half an hour. We will make rosewood with cottage cheese and lemon as follows:
- Rinse under the water 100-150 grams of raisins, and then pour it with boiling water.
- For oparia, heat on a stove or in a microwave250 ml of milk. Add a glass of flour, 100 grams of sugar and two teaspoons of dry yeast. Stir the ingredients and leave them to wander in a warm place for a while.
- When the opara is ready, add an egg, 100 grams of melted butter, two sachets of vanilla sugar and flour. Knead the dough, cover it with a cloth and let it go up.
- At this time, prepare the filling. To do this, mix 500 grams of cottage cheese with chicken egg, raisins, zest (100-150 grams) and sugar (100 grams).
- Approached the dough, divide into small balls, and then each of them roll into a flat cake.
- On the workpiece, make three incisions, put a spoonful of cottage cheese in the center, and then form petals from the dough. Similarly, collect the remaining roses.
- Put the buns on a baking sheet, oil them with egg yolk (you can mix it with a little milk) and bake in the oven until cooked.
Put hot hot roses on a dish and serve it to a table with hot tea and jam.
Rolls-roses with cottage cheese are a wonderful dessert, which children and adults will love. If you master the recipes that we have collected in this article, then the relatives will be grateful to you.