/ Cream for muffins: cooking recipes

Cream for muffins: cooking recipes

Today, more and more popular dessertscalled muffins. They are small cupcakes with a variety of fillings. Some housewives serve them on the table, only taking them out of the oven and slightly cooling, but most prefer to decorate these desserts. Most often, a cream is used for these purposes. For muffins it is possible to use its different versions. About how to make the most delicious and simple, we'll talk further.

cream for muffins

Oily cream for muffins: a recipe with a photo

This option is most popular.After all, making such a cream is not at all difficult, but the taste of it will appeal to anyone. By the way, it is considered a traditional decoration not only for muffins and capkakes, but also for full-sized cakes and other desserts. As for the taste, it can be described as very sweet and rich. Cream cream for muffins is prepared very simply and perfectly keeps the shape.

To do this, you will need the followingIngredients: butter (250 g), about four and a half glasses of pre-sifted powdered sugar, a quarter of a glass of milk and a teaspoon of vanillin. Also, if desired, you can use food coloring. Of the indicated amount of products will get a cream for 12 muffins.

cream for muffins prescription with photo


About half an hour before the start of cookingIt is necessary to remove the oil from the refrigerator so that it softens slightly. After that, beat it with a mixer, gradually adding the powdered sugar. Enter the milk and vanillin. Continue to beat until you have a light and airy mass. In the course of the process, if desired, you can add a dye. The finished cream will be left in the confectioner's bag and decorated with muffins.

Cream for muffins: recipe based on cream cheese

This option is suitable for cheesecake fans, because itsthe taste resembles this traditional American dessert. The cream of cream cheese also keeps the shape perfectly, but it is not difficult to make it. To do this, you need the following products (based on 12 cupcakes): cream cheese - 170 g, butter - 50 g, one and a half teaspoons of vanillin, two and a half glasses of powdered sugar.

cream for muffin recipe

Cooking process

Oil and cheese, as in the first version, it is necessaryremove it from the refrigerator in advance. Already in a softened form, these products should be beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then add vanillin and gradually start to enter the powder. The finished cream should be cooled, after which you can proceed to decorating the dessert.


This option is not as simple inpreparation, as for the previous ones. However, such a cream for muffins can be called universal, because it can add a variety of ingredients - chocolate, nuts, various flavors, etc. Moreover, it keeps the shape perfectly.

For the preparation of meringue, we will needingredients like three egg whites (they should be room temperature), a glass of sugar, a quarter cup of water, a pinch of citric acid, butter - 170 grams, 0.5 teaspoons of vanillin or a few drops of vanilla essence.

We now turn to the preparation of the cream.Pour the proteins into a deep bowl. In a small saucepan, add sugar, add water and cook over a low heat until the sugar dissolves completely. In parallel, you can start whipping the proteins. Add citric acid and whisk until firm peaks. Pour the prepared syrup to the proteins without turning off the mixer. Continue to beat until the mixture has cooled (this can take up to half an hour). After that, enter butter, vanillin and if desired dye or some additives. The finished cream will be left in the confectioner's bag and decorated with muffins.

cream for muffins


If you like chocolate, then this cream for muffinssurely you will like it. It can be prepared from the following products: chocolate (70% cocoa content) - 225 g, cream 30% - 270 g, honey - 40 g. Also, if desired, you can use a variety of flavors, liqueurs or nuts. To begin with, cream and honey should be combined in a small saucepan and placed on a small fire. The mixture is brought to a boil. Chocolate finely chop, spread on a dish and pour hot mass of honey and cream. Melted chocolate then follows the spatula to mix until homogeneous. The resulting ganache should be briefly put in the refrigerator, after which it can be used to decorate cupcakes.

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