/ / Lean appetizer. Several varieties of delicious lean snacks

Lean snack. Several varieties of delicious lean snacks

Unfortunately, many do not observe fasting without understandingits tremendous significance in a spiritual sense. And it is rather regrettable, because it is at this time that you can cleanse your soul and restore your health. Surely many people think that the lenten dish has neither taste nor flavor. And in vain! And we will try to prove it to you. So, we will devote our article to lean snacks, which can easily not only diversify the dining table, but also deliver tremendous pleasure from a stunning taste.

lean snack

Lean appetizer of tomatoes and eggplants

The products that make up this wonderful dish are quite affordable and blend perfectly with each other. So, for the preparation of snacks, we need the following products:

- tomatoes - 5 pcs .;

- Eggplant - 3 pcs .;

- Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs .;

- garlic - 2 cloves;

- parsley or dill - to taste;

- cilantro - to taste;

- vegetable oil;

- pepper and salt.

Cooking process

To get our lean snack, let's start,perhaps with vegetables. Eggplants, peppers and tomatoes are thoroughly washed and cut into slices approximately 1 cm thick. The desired amount of greens is finely chopped. Garlic skip through garlic crush or chop finely. Put the pan on the stove, pour in the vegetable oil. Eggplants add salt, pepper, mix and put on a hot frying pan. Fry our main ingredient on both sides for 5 minutes before purchasing golden. Ready eggplant placed on a paper towel to remove oil.

lean snacks recipes with photos

Preheat oven, grease panvegetable oil. We first lay out the eggplants, then the tomatoes and pepper, salt, pepper, sprinkle with garlic and herbs. We set to bake at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for 15 minutes. Done! As you can see, lean snacks are easy to cook, but they taste just amazing. Enjoy your meal!

Delicious recipe of bell peppers with zucchini

Lenten snacks, recipes with photos of which weWe bring to your attention, not only tasty and healthy, but also quite attractive in appearance. To prepare one of them we need the following products:

- squash;

- sweet yellow pepper - 2 pcs .;

- sweet red pepper - 2 pcs .;

- sweet green pepper - 2 pcs .;

- tomato puree or tomato paste - 100 ml;

- pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs .;

- pitted olives - 150 g;

- olive oil - 80 ml;

- pepper, salt;

- favorite spices.

Cooking Snacks

Zucchini washed, cut into small cubes,salt and mix. Pepper will be cleaned, divided into 4 parts (depending on size) and placed on a baking sheet in the most heated oven before acquiring black scorch. After that, the vegetable is transferred to a sealed bag for 10-15 minutes and remove the skin from it.

In a pan, greased with olive oil,lay out sliced ​​zucchini and fry them before purchasing golden color. Cut cucumbers and olives as small as possible and add them to the roasted zucchini. There we also put tomato puree, spices and leave to stew for 12 minutes. Cooling down.

lean snacks

Take a teaspoon and lay out a snack on each part of the pepper. Roll up rolls and fix with a toothpick or wooden skewer. Everything, our fast snack is prepared! Enjoy!

Crispy balls

From affordable and inexpensive products you canto cook an amazing dish with an extraordinary taste. One of these is the lean snack “Crispy balls”, which is suitable not only for a quiet family dinner, but also for festive events. So, to make it, we need the following ingredients:

- rice - 2 glasses;

- champignons - 250 g;

- onions - 1 piece;

- puff pastry - 300 g;

- pepper, salt;

- favorite spices.

How is this dish prepared?

Lenten snacks, the recipes are pretty simple,can be cooked and puff pastry. So, for starters, let's cook steamed rice. For this dish, we need exactly round grain rice, as it has good stickiness. And this is what we need. While our rice is cooling, finely chop the mushrooms, onions and fry them in a pan for a few minutes.

lean holiday snacks
Roll the puff pastry as thin as possible andcut into small stripes (about, like noodles). Cool onions with mushrooms mixed with rice. We form balls of our filling, each of them is wrapped around a strip of dough. Preheat the oven and put the balls on the baking tray. We bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. That's it, our delicious dish is ready.

Fried eggplant rolls with nuts

This amazing dish can also be attributed tocategory "Lenten festive snacks." But unlike the others, it is prepared rather quickly and without much financial expenditure. So, to make this dish, we need the following ingredients:

- Eggplant - 5 pcs .;

- peeled walnuts - 1 cup;

- large onion;

- garlic - to taste;

- a bunch of parsley;

- favorite dried herbs;

- pomegranate juice (or vinegar) for refueling;

- pepper and salt.

How to cook this dish?

Баклажаны моем и режем вдоль ломтиками толщиной 1 see. Sprinkle with salt and leave them for a while. In the meantime, let's do our stuffing. To do this, chop the nuts in a blender or skip through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion, sprinkle with salt and squeeze to bitterness. We will do the same with eggplants, just carefully so as not to deform our main ingredient. We add herbs, finely chopped greens, onion, pepper, salt, pomegranate juice and some water to the nuts. The filling should resemble thick sour cream.

Put the pan on the stove, pour vegetablebutter and lay out there eggplant. Fry them on both sides until the acquisition of golden color. Put them on a paper towel to make the glass oil. After that we grease each slice with our stuffing and we twist them in rolls. That's it, our dish is ready! Enjoy your meal!

lean snack recipes

As you have already noticed, lean snacks,The recipes from the photos we presented in our article are quite diverse in their performance, so feel free to improvise. Enjoy your meal! We think that lean snacks are no less tasty than meat dishes, you have already seen. So feel free to take the post and enjoy!

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