/ / How to cook fillets of pollock

How to cook fillets of pollock

На данный момент минтай является одной из accessible and popular fish. For example, in Japan they are convinced that pollock is the most useful and cleanest fish. If it is properly prepared, then no negative qualities of this fish will not interfere. The fish is very tasty and very delicate. You can cook fish patties or soup, bake pollock or put out. How to cook pollock fillets - the question is quite simple, especially if there is a set of suitable recipes. There are a huge number of ways to prepare for every taste and any level of complexity, the choice depends only on the desired result.

How to cook pollock fillets - a simple recipe

With this method, you will not be bothered for long, andthe result will be very tasty. It is necessary to clean pollock, divide it into small pieces, place them in a deep bowl, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and pepper, seasonings, you can add some amount of mayonnaise. It is necessary to leave the fish stand and soaked in seasonings for an hour. While pollock marinated, you can clean and cut potatoes in small circles. Potatoes should be placed in the dishes in which you plan to bake the future dish. Remember that the bottom must be lubricated with vegetable oil. On the potatoes must lay a fish, and on the fish on top - onions, cut into thin rings. After this dish can be filled with mayonnaise and placed in the oven for forty minutes at least. If you are interested in the question of how to cook pollock fillets quickly, then you should put it for baking in closed heat-resistant dishes.

Of course, the baked fish is very tasty.However, many people want to learn how to fry pollock fillets. Here, too, you can offer a fairly simple option. It is necessary to wash the fillets, divide it into pieces, lightly fry in the heated vegetable oil. After that, each roasted piece must be rolled in flour, placed in a pot to extinguish, add a little butter and broth, cover and simmer for a while. After this, it is necessary to season the fish with salt, sugar, soy sauce, spices. Ready dish you can sprinkle with chopped herbs.

If you are interested, how delicious to cook filletpollock, then you can suggest a recipe for its suppression. It is necessary to properly prepare a kilogram of fish, divide it into large chunks, put them in the deepest frying pan you have. Preliminary it is necessary to pour oil on the bottom so that the fish does not burn. On top of the fish is to lay out grated carrots, onions, cut into thin rings. Remember that you need to salt and pep each of the layers laid out. After all these procedures you will need half a liter of sour cream to pour fish and vegetables. Next, you should cover the frying pan with a lid and place it on the stove to extinguish. Stew costs not less than 40 minutes. Similarly, you can fry the pollock fillets in the oven, but the extinguishing time should be twice as much.

Не стоит и говорить о том, насколько важно to eat fish for both children and adults. However, the child is difficult to persuade to eat fish, so often young moms are interested in how to cook fillets of pollock, so that it interested the child. Here you can use some simple tips.

Fish do not need to be thawed underwater, then itwill not fall apart when frying. Before you start cooking, pollock should be dried with a napkin, then it will not contain an excess of moisture. When frying, you must roast fish from one side on high heat, and after you turn it over, bring it to the ready on a weak one. The pollock will not collapse much if it is wrapped in breadcrumbs before frying.

Use simple recipes and tips, and then relatives will appreciate your efforts in the kitchen.

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