Cinnamon is not only original, possessingunusual taste of spice. It has a favorable effect on the work of our body. In particular, it appeals to the appetite and promotes a more rapid assimilation of food, normalizes the sugar level and normalizes blood circulation. Cinnamon is also used in medicine, as an antiseptic, expectorant and antipyretic.
This is a beautiful plantactively used in cooking. How wonderful buns with cinnamon! The recipe allows you to make a dish that has a special flavor and unique taste. And how to cook buns with cinnamon? Quite simply!
Buns with cinnamon, recipe with cream cheese
In a small saucepan pour 125 ml of milk, cut into it 100 grams of butter. Put on the fire, the oil should melt, then remove the saucepan from the heat and allow the contents to cool.
In a bowl, pour a packet of dry yeast halfa glass of warm water. Add to them 50 grams of sugar, one yolk and a pinch of salt. Mix, and then pour in a milky-oil mixture. Gradually pour 600 - 700 grams of flour. Dough in the end should not be too tight. Cover the bowl with the test film and let stand for 30 minutes.
Filling. Mix 150 grams of sugar (if you choose brown, then buns will look more impressive), three large spoons of cinnamon, a couple of pinch of salt.
Cream. Put in a cup 250 grams of any cream cheese, 120 grams of powdered sugar, two large spoons of cream and a little vanilla. Beat these ingredients with a mixer.
Dough rolled into a rectangle, sprinkle it with a mixture of cinnamon. Roll up the roll and cut it into small buns. Bake them for half an hour, then lubricate with cream.
Buns with cinnamon, a recipe with nuts and raisins
Dissolve two packets of dry yeast in a quartera glass of warm water, pour a half cup of warm sour milk to the yeast. After pour 4.5 glasses of flour, half a small spoonful of soda, 4 large spoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt. Knead the dough, roll it into a bowl and put in a bowl, covered with a film, infuse for 30 minutes. After rolling it into a rectangle 20 by 40 cm and let stand for another half hour.
Filling. Mix 100 grams of butter, a large spoonful of cinnamon, half a glass of any nuts and raisins. Lay out the filling on the prepared layer of dough and roll up the tight roll, the edges of the pinched.
Cut a roll into rolls with a width of about threecentimeter, put them on a baking tray with oil and let stand for a few minutes, 30 minutes. Then put in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Delicious buns are ready!
Buns with cinnamon Sinabon, recipe
In a glass of warm milk, pour out 100 grams of sugar, a half teaspoon of salt and a bag of dry yeast. Put in a warm place.
Melt 100 grams of butter, wait,until it cools down. In a separate bowl, beat a couple of eggs. Now, in one large cup, combine the milk, the egg and the melted butter. Gradually add half a kilogram of flour. As a result, the dough should not turn out to be too tight, to put it to go for an hour.
After kneading the dough and rolling it into the seamthickness of half a centimeter and 40/60 centimeters. Sprinkle it with a mixture of a spoon of cane sugar and cinnamon (the amount to taste). Tightly twist the roll, hanging the edge. With a sharp knife, cut the roll into pieces not more than 4 centimeters thick. Put them on a baking tray at a distance of three centimeters from each other. Put the bake for 20 minutes.
Cooking glaze.100 grams of Philadelphia cheese and 100 grams of butter beforehand get out of the refrigerator to make them softer. Stir them, add a glass of powdered sugar and beat well with a mixer. The resulting glaze to pour on still warm buns.
Buns with cinnamon, the recipe of which is quite simple, will undoubtedly please the domestic!