/ / We eat correctly: how many calories in cottage cheese with sour cream

We eat correctly: how many calories in cottage cheese with sour cream

Thinking about the usefulness of food, we do notwe can bypass cottage cheese, especially home. This pleasant and healthy sour milk product is very popular among those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle, believing that they will supplement their body with important and useful substances present in it in the most favorable ratio. Of course, this is so.

How many calories in cottage cheese?
The composition of cottage cheese includes, in the first place, sucha valuable ingredient, like animal protein. In addition, this dairy product contains carbohydrates and amino acids, so necessary for the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver. For example, the amino acid methionine not only has a beneficial effect on the entire body, but also prevents obesity of the liver, and also reduces the "bad" cholesterol index. In curds contain minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron - and their number is very significant, which means your hair, bones and nails will be in perfect order.

The opinion of experts is known,that the percentage of assimilation of the said useful minerals increases to a considerable extent with increased fat content of the cottage cheese. Many people justify this circumstance with the use of a fatty product, because they can not give up a tasty meal. This leads to an increase in body fat. Adherents of healthy nutrition hope that they are not threatened by an increase in body weight. Is it so? Before you get enough of this product, ask yourself the question of how many calories in cottage cheese. With sour cream it is even more delicious and easier to perceive during a meal.

How many calories in cottage cheese with sour cream

But the question is, what will be the efforts of yourorganism for the processing of calories received into it. Therefore, before deciding to beat a portion of appetizing granular cottage cheese with cream, ask yourself how many calories in curd. In order to accurately determine the influence of cottage cheese on the human body, there is a table of kilocalories. Much depends on the fact, in combination with what products are used cottage cheese.

It is important to understand that in combination with othercomponents (sour cream, nuts, honey or sugar), the calorie content of the curd dish can change drastically. All these components are easier to digest by our body, if they are used separately.

Calorie table

Cottage cheese with sour cream

Per 100 grams of product


15.40 grams


20,00 grams


8,00 grams


0,00 gram

Caloric value

265,00 Kcal

We should not forget that the curd mass withhigh fat content is high in calories and leads to rapid saturation. Therefore, consuming it, it is necessary to stop in time. People who are prone to rapid weight gain, do not despair - there is a low-fat cottage cheese.

So, how many calories are there in cottage cheese? The table below shows that the caloric content of cottage cheese varies depending on its fat content.

Curd (table calorie, nutritional value)

IndexPer 100 grams
Cottage cheese is leanCurd 9%Curd 18%
Caloric value110169236

Having read some figures,it is easy to assess the energy value of cottage cheese and understand (and better remember) how many calories in cottage cheese - fat, fat-free, in home curd, how many calories in cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream.

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