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Salads for Birthday

With the approach of Birthday we beginflipping through old records, browsing magazines and surfing the Internet in search of new and original recipes. After all, I'd like to surprise and please loved ones. Make the holiday really bright and unforgettable.

A significant part of the festive table is occupied bysalads. But, as time and energy is often not enough for them, salads for birthday should be simple, but at the same time unusual, quickly prepare and look appetizing. In addition, it is better if they do not require any exotic products. I suggest a small selection of such recipes.

Simple salads for Birthday

Salad "Baba Yaga"

Ingredients.For 200 grams of ham and pickled mushrooms, 2 pcs. cucumber, tomatoes, potatoes, 100 gr. canned peas, 1 onion, 3 eggs, mayonnaise, salt, a little parsley, refined sunflower oil.

Preparation.Raw potatoes are peeled and cut into strips. In the pan, pour in the oil and put it on the fire. We spread the potatoes, and fry until it turns rosy (until ready). We pull out from the frying pan and let it drain to the sunflower oil, we add it. Ham is sliced ​​in medium strips. Depending on the size, the mushrooms are cut into 2 or 4 pieces. Eggs cook for 8-10 minutes and pour cold water. Clean and cut straws. We open the jar with peas and drain the liquid. Cucumbers and tomatoes cut into strips. Onions cut into cubes. Parsley is released from the roots, leaving only leaves.

After all the ingredients are ready,spread them alternately in small groups around the edges of the plate. We lay out the leaves with parsley and pour mayonnaise there. In this form, let's put the salad on the table. Such salads for birthday should be mixed immediately before meals.

"Bunch of grapes"

Ingredients. 800 gr. Peking cabbage, 250 gr. boiled chicken, 150 gr. salted pistachios, 100 gr. cheese, grapes without pits, mayonnaise.

Preparation.With Peking cabbage we remove several sheets for decoration, the rest is finely shredded. Boiled chicken flesh cut into small cubes and poured into a bowl with cabbage. Cheese three on a large grater, clean pistachios and cut into 4 parts. Pour it all into a bowl, add the mayonnaise and mix well. On a large dish lay cabbage leaves, so that they resemble grape, lay out a salad in the form of a bunch of grapes. Grapes are washed, dried. Each berry cut in half, and these halves put on a salad. The final touch - we take a twig from the grapes and put it on top, to make a bunch of grapes.

"Mushroom Glade" - salads for Birthday from the category «flip-flops"

Ingredients. Small marinated mushrooms (300 g), sausage or ham (250 g), potatoes (3 pcs.), Eggs (3 pcs.), Bunch of greens (dill, parsley), cheese (100-150 gr.), Mayonnaise .

Preparation. We wash the potatoes and boil them in the skin until they are ready. Eggs are hard boiled.

Salads for the birthday of such a plan are prepared in a deep bowl, which is then turned over and the contents from the bottom become a horse.

We lay a deep bowl with food film andLay out the layers of ingredients, promazyvaya while each layer. Gently at the bottom lay mushrooms, the hats should be on the bottom and adjacent to each other. We cut the greens and put them on mushrooms. Next, we put sausage (ham) cut into strips, grated potatoes on a large grater. Egg grate and spread on top. The last layer is grated cheese. After the salad is kept in the refrigerator for several hours and soaked, carefully turn the bowl on a flat plate and serve it to the table.

Such salads for birthday are very popular. All due to the fact that they do not require long preparations and look quite impressive.

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