/ / Delicious homemade buns (different shapes): how to do?

Delicious homemade buns (different shapes): how to do?

Surely there are no such people who would not likehomemade buns. The forms are different (how to make pastries, we'll tell you a little further), not everyone is able to give such products. Therefore, we decided to dedicate this article to this topic. From it you will learn how to make buns, form curls and classic buns.

buns shaped different how to do

Forms are different: how to do?

As a rule, homemade buns are prepared only fromsweet yeast base. In other words, yeast, butter or margarine, and also granulated sugar should be added to the dough for such products. After mixing a soft base, cover it with a towel and leave it aside for 80-90 minutes. During this time, the dough should rise several times, become as soft and lush as possible.

So how do you make different forms of biscuits?It should be noted that most housewives cook this kind of pastry without relying on any recipes. Therefore, to give this or that form of buns you can on your personal discretion.

However, there are also such culinary specialists who prefer to cook only a certain batch of specific sizes and shapes. Let's consider some such options in more detail.

how to make buns of different shapes

Classic items

How to make buns of different shapes?Before answering this question, it is necessary to tell how the classical round products are formed. To do this, from the yeast base, a piece of fist size is plucked and then greased with vegetable oil and rolled into a bowl. In this form, the semi-finished product is placed in a deep form, and then all the other products are also laid out there. In this case between them there is no need to leave this or that distance. After all, after baking, semi-finished products, flavored with oil, very well apart.

We form buns

Now you know how the classicalbuns. The forms are different (how to make buns, we'll tell you right now) you can think up such products yourself. However, in this section of the article, we decided to tell you how to make beautiful and orderly buns.

From approaching a dough, tear off a smallpiece and roll it into a round cake with a diameter of about 12 centimeters and a thickness of 7-8 millimeters. After this, the products are sprinkled with fine sugar and rolled into a tight roll. In the future, it is folded in half, cut the middle part, leaving the ends in their entirety. Then the product is laid out on a greased baking sheet, having previously opened the cut portion of the semi-finished product. From above it is smeared with a chicken egg and sent to the oven.

different forms of rolls

Form the curls

Before making buns of different shapes,You should determine which products you want to receive. If the presence of a filling is not important for you, then for the formation of home baking you can use the methods presented above. Otherwise, I recommend that you pay attention to the following method.

So how to stuff homemade buns?Different forms (photo products are presented in this article), such baking can be given very easily. However, we will only consider the fastest and most popular way. To do this, all the dough is spread on the board, sprinkled with flour and rolled into a rectangular formation not more than 8 millimeters thick. Then they put a stuffing on it (for example, poppy, thick jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, etc.) and tightly wrapped in a roll. After that, the product is cut into pieces. Their thickness should not exceed 4-5 centimeters.

In conclusion, the shaped curls are spread on a greased sheet or baking sheet and sent to the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, they are baked for 52 minutes, and then carefully removed.

It should be noted that it is on this principle that the famous sinnabon buns are baked.

Let's sum up the results

Now you know how to cook delicioushomemade buns. Forms are different (how to make buns and curls, we discussed above) to give them quite easily. The main thing with this is to use only rich yeast base and show the maximum of creative imagination.

buns different forms of photo

Кстати, кроме представленных вариантов существует There are still many different ways to make beautiful homemade buns. For example, someone makes them in the form of braids, someone - in the form of a ribbed loaf, and someone at all gives the buns the look of French croissants.

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