For any boy who is carried awaytransformers, a cake with your favorite characters will be a wonderful gift for the holiday. Bright colors and unusual images open wide scope for creativity of the confectioner. Pleasure your birthday with an unusual treat!
At first glance it might seem that the taskit is impossible. But in fact it is not so difficult to implement. Of course, if you do not feel that you can cope with the design, you can simply order a cake "Transformers" from mastic in a pastry shop, but there are many ways that you can cook it yourself.
What form should be a birthday cake?Round or square, made in the form of numbers or in the form of a favorite character - it all depends on you. If your pastry experience is enough to realize the most daring idea - go for it! But even the usual cake designed by the heroes of the saga "Transformers" cake will look very impressive.
In addition, there are many suitable forms for salefor cast cakes. Using one of them, you can quickly make a cake of the desired shape and do not bother with collecting multi-tiered structures. Simply pour the dough into a mold and bake the cake, and decorating it will not be difficult at all.
Perhaps, only the lazy mistress is still notdiscovered mastic. The recipe for it has long been known: melted marshmallow "Marshmelow" is kneaded in powdered sugar, as in flour. This mass is obtained by plastic and perfectly colored in any color. Even the child can cope with modeling.
From mastic it is possible to mold figurines of likedcharacters. But if the result does not suit you, you can help transformers. The cake can be decorated with plastic figurines, which the birthday boy can give to friends during the feast for the memory of the holiday.
Use a pattern - this will greatly facilitate your work. On it you can cut out the details of the "face" of the character from the mastic rolled into the layer or use as a stencil for painting with cream.
Just cut out the windows in the printed image, attach to the cake and apply a colored cream with a confectionery syringe.
Many stores, offering products for confectioners, have in the arsenal of wonderful vychalochalki. Cake "Transformers", the photo of which you see below, is decorated with one of them.
It is about ready-made pictures printededible paints on thin waffle cakes. Such a picture can decorate the most ordinary cake, pasting it on a light cream and making a perimeter color.
If you want baking not onlybeautiful, but still useful and tasty, think about what will be in the middle. Biscuit and sand cakes, soufflé "Bird Milk" are perfect for children's cakes. Very like children jelly layers.
Try to avoid too fatty creams.Oily is not the best choice for small eaters. But the custard, sour and protein are quite suitable for the children's menu. A very tasty cream can be made from whipped fruit yoghurt, into which gelatin is added. One liter of yogurt will require 15 to 30 grams of dissolved gelatin. Sugar is added at will. In such a cream, you can add a little whipped cottage cheese blender, it will get even thicker and tastier.
The first place in the list of children's favorite sweets,of course, replaces chocolate. It can help not only to improve the taste, but also to level the surface before applying the decor. On the background of melted white chocolate, the colors fall very well.
The tips given in the article will help you realize the dream of your beloved child. "Transformers" is a cake that will certainly please a little birthday boy.