"Inspiration" is a salad that can not decorateonly family, but also a festive table. As you know, there are two different ways of preparing this dish. One of them is more light, including smoked chicken breasts and fresh vegetables, and the other involves the use of fragrant ham and many other boiled ingredients, which makes it especially satisfying. It is worth noting that whichever dish you choose, in the process of cooking, they will in any case give you a real culinary inspiration. Salad, made according to the recipes described below, should be served to the table only in the cooled form. But it is recommended to do this before the main hot lunch.
Such an easy dish requires the use ofa small number of inexpensive and affordable components. By the way, it is filled not with fat mayonnaise, but with useful olive oil and wine vinegar. But first things first.
To prepare such a tasty and nutritious dish, you will need to purchase:
"Inspiration" is a salad that providesUse of white poultry meat, which will please absolutely all your guests. But before you submit it to the table, you should combine all previously shredded foods and mix them thoroughly. Also, the ingredients need to be sprinkled with salt and pepper, and then season with a mixture of olive oil and wine vinegar.
Ready-made salad should be placed in a deepdishes, the surface of which is desirable in advance to lined with large leaves of Peking cabbage. On top of the dish is recommended to sprinkle with chopped olives and sesame seeds.
As mentioned above, this dish is more satisfying than the previous one. After all, it includes a huge variety of products that are filled with high-calorie mayonnaise.
So, for the preparation of such a tasty and juicy salad you will need:
In order to cook such a hearty and tendersalad, you should boil the beets and carrots, and then grate them on a large grater, placing them on separate plates. Similarly, it is required to process hard cheese and hard boiled eggs. But before that it is desirable to separate the whites and yolks, because they will be added to the salad in the form of different layers. Then it is necessary to chop white sweet onion in half rings and soak it in apple vinegar (approximately 50-70 minutes). After that, it is necessary to chop the fragrant ham and marinated mushrooms finely.
"Inspiration" - a salad with a fragrant ham, towhich will not remain indifferent any invited guest. Spread such a beautiful and tasty dish should be on a large plate in the form of several layers, richly greased with fatty mayonnaise.
So, for the formation of the presented salad it is necessary to lay out the following ingredients in turn:
Сформированное и смазанное майонезом блюдо It is required to decorate with fresh greens, a rose from boiled beet and petals from carrots, and then place in a refrigerator for 2-4 hours. During this time, all layers are well soaked, making the salad more tender, juicy and tasty.