Probably, there is no such person who neverate pea porridge. After all, this dish is included in the mandatory menu of dining rooms for kindergartens and schools. And this, of course, is not accidental. Nutritious and tasty, it perfectly satiates the growing organism with vitamins and microelements. That's just cooking pea porridge at home - one trouble. It is not only brewed for a long time, it is impossible even to go away even for a minute: either it will burn or run away. It is quite another matter to make pea porridge in a multivariate. This miracle assistant will easily cope with such a whimsical dish.
And now you can use the already selected methodhow to make pea porridge in a multivariate. Most often for its preparation, the "Quenching" mode is recommended, since it suggests a weak boiling. And this is what you need when cooking peas. Pour it into the multivark and add water. On a glass of cereals it will take two glasses. Select "Quenching" mode in the menu, 2 hours. Add salt to the pea porridge is not necessary, it prevents the rump to boil. As soon as the signal has sounded, ready-made dish to salt and put a slice of butter to taste. Stir, close the lid and leave for "Heating" for another 5-10 minutes. During this time, the porridge will thicken a little more.
But the pea porridge in the multivar "Polaris"can be welded even with the use of one mode. This is a "Multi-Cook", because it allows you to select the temperature and cooking time. Of course, as in the previous recipe, you need to pour the peas for the night, then pour into the multivark and add water so that it covers all the croup. In the "Multi-Cook" mode, select a temperature of 90 degrees and time is 2 hours. And only after the signal of readiness to salt, season with butter and mix.