Black (or shadow) economy in the systemmodern market relations is, to a certain extent, quite a natural phenomenon associated with the rejection of restrictive measures. In the transition economy, according to experts, the size of the black economy increases (up to 40-50% of GDP), this is due to the fact that market relations in the economy are accompanied by negative development of the private sector, growth of farms, imperfect legislation, and a temporary decline in the quality of life. In such conditions, it is obvious that it is necessary to work out an adequate approach to monitoring how the market relations and the black economy at macro- and meso-levels are generally correlated.
At present, scientists have developed manyapproaches to the definition of the shadow economy and various groups of methods for its evaluation: direct, indirect, including employment analysis, monetary methods, alternative estimates, the method of commodity flows, econometric methods. But modern market relations and the black economy are still at such a level of development that there is a multiplicity of definitions of the category of the shadow (black) economy, unsettled terminology, the heterogeneity of the quantitative estimates obtained. So, their range in the CIS countries varies between 10 and 55%, in the EU candidate countries - 10 and 22%, in developed countries - 1.2 and 17%. This is due to differences in official policy, the scale of the informal and hidden economy, and the use of different valuation methods, which represent modern market relations. Among these methods, direct - underestimate the evaluation, others, indirect, structural, as well as methods of hidden determinants, soft modeling - overestimate.
Methodological recommendations of the target groupEurostat, the recommendations of the CIS Statistical Committee and other institutions of economic analysis are not specific and reflect only the need to adhere to common definitions and classifications of black economic activity, take into account the peculiarities of the national economy, use the proposed analytical framework (defining and adjusting the boundaries of the hidden, informal and illicit economy in enlarged sectors) , when evaluating give priority to the informal sector.
In a number of countries, the assessment of the black economy in general orthere are only partial calculations, only partial manifestations of the hidden economy are taken into account, most often such a parameter as property in the market economy and its shadow segment. A distinctive feature of most of their published estimates of this type of economy today is their bias, usually underreporting, which is caused by both the objective properties of such a phenomenon as market relations and the black economy, and the shortcomings of statistical accounting and the deliberate desire to provide inaccurate information from respondents, obtained as a result of sample household surveys. In addition, the psychological unpreparedness of society to analyze the values of the black economy (even if such estimates are obtained) also affects.
Long-term studies of the essence, structure,methods of measuring the shadow economy, a number of experimental calculations have made it possible to formulate some general approaches to the definition of this phenomenon.
For consideration of non-observed specieseconomic activity of a number of scientists as a generalized term for the shadow economy. In terms of the unobservable, unaccounted for, unregistered economy, by definition, there is no refusal to measure these phenomena, or at least an indication of its unreliability. The term "shadow" seems more successful: it does not emphasize the nature of the assessment, emphasizes the specific conditions for the implementation of activities, the nature of income generation. This approach to the definition makes it possible to identify any unregistered economic activity. The term black, in this context, should be understood only as an ordinary interpretation of the shadow economy category. Modern market relations, and the black economy in their statistical measurement, require the most complete coverage and quantitative measurement of all types of shadow activities, regardless of the source of their origin.