/ / Smoothies Recipes: extravaganza of taste

Smoothies Recipes: extravaganza of taste

Let's try to guess this riddle:not a drink or a meal, but nutritious and healthy, is an excellent dessert and, at the same time, suitable for a diet. Smoothie cocktail is the right answer. This is really an entirely new type of food, which in some fantastic way combines seemingly completely incompatible qualities. In addition to the excellent taste, stunning appearance and record number of vitamins, microelements and other useful ingredients contained in it, smoothies are also extremely easy to prepare. That is why, cocktails of this type are firmly settled in the menu and the most chic restaurants, and democratic cafes, and in the kitchens of original and talented housewives.

As a rule, the recipes for smoothies include severaltypes of fruits or berries, ice, a variety of juices or dairy products. But the main component of this cocktail is, of course, your imagination, which will help to invent new and new variants of this wonderful universal cold dessert. Also, a good blender may be needed to make it, but it is also not an obligatory condition.

For example, a banana smoothie is easy to prepare and withoutparticipation of high technologies. The role of the blender will be beautifully performed by the usual fork, which you will easily smash the banana. To the resulting mass should be added a glass of low-fat cream, vanilla and sugar to taste, chopped ice, as well as a little baby instant cereal or oat flakes of instant cooking. Decorate the finished cocktail with grated chocolate. Such recipes for smoothies can and should be supplemented with their own interesting ideas. Successfully shade the sweet banana will help the more tart and sour tastes of berries and fruits like currants, blueberries, cranberries, grapefruit. Instead of cream, safely add ice cream, milk or favorite yogurt. And the appearance of the cocktail completely depends on your aesthetic preferences: it can be an elegant twig of fresh mint or a riot of colors of various fruits or berries.

Smoothies - an excellent means of refreshing in hotsummer day, having received, thus, the put quantity of calories and vitamins. So, mixing a quarter of a glass of blueberries, raspberries, one apple, a little grapes, ice and a few leaves of fragrant mint, you will get an incomparable pleasure in taste, a sunny mood and a charge of vivacity.

The following smoothie recipes are perfect forall who follow their figure. For the first cocktail, the pulp of half a watermelon, the juice of two oranges and a bit of grated ginger will be needed. After cooling these ingredients, grind them in a blender and add to the mass of crushed ice. Serves such a dessert in a tall glass with a wide straw.

There are also unsweetened types of chilledCocktails, more like a soup-mash. An example of such original culinary delights may be recipes for smoothies, which, in addition to berries and fruits, have vegetables. For example, by chopping and mixing strawberries, tomatoes, a few sheets of Peking cabbage, natural yogurt and a little honey in the blender, you will get a completely new taste quality that can impress even the most demanding gourmet.

The best decoration of the party will be the followingsparkling fruit cocktail. You will need a pomegranate, several mandarins, half a glass of raspberries, as many cranberry juice and white champagne or sparkling wine. Garnet and mandarin must be cleaned of white bitter veins, then all the ingredients are placed in a blender, and after intensive mixing, the resulting mixture is filtered through a large sieve and cooled for eight hours. In this stunning mix, the alcoholic component can be replaced with lemonade or simply fruit juice.

So, fantasize, create and enjoy this pleasant process and its tasty and useful results.

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