All known coconut milk isan integral, and often the main component of Asian cuisine. A nut is a fruit of a palm tree, and milk is a crushed ripe flesh, and not a liquid that is drained from it. The taste of coconut milk and its consistency directly depend on the number of squeezes. A pleasant sweet taste and a delicate aroma has the product of the very first pressing.
Coconut milk is not just incredibly deliciousproduct, this is a very useful treat. So, it includes a rich vitamin-mineral complex. Coconut abounds with vitamins of group B, C, E, PP, K, elements such as zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, amino acids and valuable fatty acids.
Nut coconut palm nutritionists include the menulow-calorie diet, because the sugar in the fruit is fructose. Dishes with coconut milk are very popular. The composition of coconut milk contains no more than 5% of plant proteins, there are easily absorbed by the human body fats. This makes it possible to use the product with intolerance of animal components.
The damage and benefit of coconut milk is a frequent topic of discussion among scientists. The extract, obtained from the southern nuts, has the following actions:
Milk of southern coconut has a tonicaction. A natural product will fill the human body after a hard day with force, take away fatigue, relieve depression and help to restore an excellent state of health.
Also coconut milk, reviews of which, by the way,are available and from doctors, and especially positive, it is recommended to use during rehabilitation after the course of radiation and chemotherapy, after a long reception of antibiotics. It normalizes the work of the intestine, bringing its microflora back to normal.
It should be noted that the thermal treatment of coconut milk does not deprive it of high nutritional properties. For this quality in Europe, a valuable product was called "tropical cream".
Despite the remarkable properties, coconutMilk can sometimes cause harm. It can cause allergic reactions. In this case, its use in food is strictly contraindicated. Also, according to experts, people with individual intolerance to fructose should limit or even rule out the intake of palm kernel.
Вред и польза кокосового молока – тема, волнующая many. The use of a large amount of it can lead to negative reactions from the digestive system. Thus, there may be attacks of nausea, diarrhea and dizziness. In some cases, people have high blood pressure, heart rhythm is lost, blood supply to organs worsens.
Particular attention must be paid tocanned milk. The natural product should contain only the coconut component and water. Milk with a lot of preservatives will bring little benefit. The overdue product is also unacceptable to eat.
Now we will look at how to make a coconutmilk at home. A fresh nut can be found in almost every grocery store. The resulting product is widely used in cooking for soups and cocktails. You can also make an excellent dessert from milk.
When choosing a coconut, it is recommended to pay attention to the sound that it emits during the shock. Inside the quality nut should be splashing liquid.
First we punched a hole in the coconut shell.To do this, select the desired "eye". The liquid must be poured, but only then split the shell. After the peel is cleaned, we get a white fragrant pulp, which is needed for the preparation of milk. We rub the flesh on the middle grater. Fold it in a container and fill it with boiling water. Water should be taken in such a quantity that it covers the mass a little. After half an hour we squeeze the nuts with the help of gauze. The resulting liquid is the most valuable coconut milk, which can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
The chips remaining after pressing are necessarylay on the oven pan. Dry until ready - within half an hour. From one coconut, as a rule, a glass of milk and about two glasses of shavings are obtained.
Meals cooked usingcoconut milk, have an unrivaled aroma and amazing taste. The product even the most common dish will add a piquant flavor and tenderness. The damage and benefits of coconut milk were considered by us earlier. Now let's cite a few recipes.
To prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients:
chicken legs - 4 pcs .;
coconut milk - 2 cups;
onion - 2 heads;
vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
garlic - 2 cloves;
salt - 1 teaspoon;
Preheat oven to 200 ° C.Chicken legs thoroughly wash and dry. Cut them, separating the lower leg from the thigh. Mix lemon juice with chopped garlic, cumin, black pepper, fennel, coriander and cinnamon. Rub the meat with the mixture and leave for half an hour. Finely chop the onion and fry it until golden brown. We add to it chicken legs and fry until complete readiness. In the baking dish, fold the meat and fill it with coconut milk. Put the dish in the oven for 30 minutes. You can also always make a dessert from milk.
To prepare this fragrant and delicious dish, you will need:
Shrimp - 1 kg;
coconut milk - 2 cups;
onion - 2 heads;
tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
Bulbs cleaned from the peel and cut into rings. Fry them in a pan in olive oil. Cut tomatoes into small cubes and add to onions. Stew for 15 minutes.
Coconut milk is combined with turmeric, pepper andsaffron. Put the shrimp in the vegetable mix. Solim to taste and pour coconut milk. The ingredients are stewed with the lid closed for no more than 15 minutes. You can serve on the table. Bon Appetit!
There are also other recipes. With coconut milk you can cook a variety of different dishes.