How nice sometimes to have a cup of tea and eatdelicious buns with raisins. They can be cut into two halves and smeared with creamy or chocolate butter. Such a breakfast will be to the liking of many. Moreover, he additionally will also give a good mood from the very morning.
Everyone loves buns with raisins. The recipe for their preparation is quite simple. Anyone can even cope, even a novice cook.
To knead the dough the following ingredients will be needed:
Mix all the ingredients you need in a special way,observing all proportions and consistency. To begin with, slightly warm the milk, where later yeast is added. It's good if they are dry. If not, then they need to be crushed considerably (on a grater or with a knife). One should also put 1 tsp here. sugar and a couple of the same spoons of flour. After everything is thoroughly mixed, it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to put it all in a warm and dark place.
While the milk-yeast mixture is suitable, flour,which is left, sift. After that, it is just poured into it. All this is mixed with 100 grams of sugar, a chicken egg and crushed zest of one lemon. Mixer or whisk carefully mix everything and lightly salt. Once the dough has a viscous consistency, it is best to finish and knead by hand.
Buns with raisins and bear such a name, becausethat this dough is added to the dough. You can butter it with butter, so that later the treat is not burnt in the oven. The kneading of the dough is necessary so that it begins to possess good elasticity. Only after this, it should be unrolled and left in the heat for an hour and a half.
Once the dough is suitable, it is necessarydivide into small pieces and form buns with raisins, which are laid out on a baking sheet. To a delicacy a little more up, buns left for a couple of minutes to stand still. Only after that, they should be greased with a specially prepared, beaten egg and sprinkled with sugar on top. Bake buns for twenty minutes until they get a nice crust.
Delicious pies
With raisins not only buns are prepared, but also pies.However, usually this dried fruit is an integral part of the filling. Very tasty it turns out, if pies are with raisins and cottage cheese. Prepare them very simply.
In order to make pies with raisins(about 200 g), cottage cheese (400 - 450 g), butter (about 150 g), a little vanilla sugar, sugar sand (100 g), raisins (30 to 50 grams), a chicken egg and a little milk (about 2 tablespoons).
To make a pastry dough, mix the sifted flour, 150 g of cottage cheese, butter and special vanilla sugar. The resulting mixture is placed in a refrigerator and held there for an hour.
While the dough is cooling, you can prepare the fillingfrom raisins, cottage cheese, sugar and protein. Of course, everything needs to be mixed. Only then the dough ready for use is rolled out and cut into small squares. In them, and put stuffing, and then form a real cake, which is placed on a baking tray, greased.
In advance, whip the yolk with a littleamount of milk. This mixture is lightly smeared with the surface of the patties, which are placed in the oven, which should already be heated to 180 degrees. Bake enough for only 20 - 25 minutes, after which the delicacy can be served to the table.
With raisins you can cook and various pies, and rolls, and pies, as well as all sorts of cupcakes. There are a lot of recipes. The main thing is to find one that the whole family will like!