/ / Recipe for chicken wings

Chicken Wings Recipe

Chicken wings have recently become onefrom favorite dishes decorating festive tables. It is also often cooked by the hostess on ordinary days. Today, there are a myriad of ways to prepare such a meal. The fact is that the dishes from chicken wings are obtained deliciously and in a hurry.

One of the first meth on demand isrecipe of chicken wings marinated. For their preparation you need to take 12 chicken wings, one glass of dry wine "Sherry", half a cup of soy sauce, a teaspoon of ground ginger and a quarter teaspoon of garlic and onion powder. Preparation of chicken wings begins with dividing them into two parts. They are conveniently divided into the joints. All the ingredients of the sauce are mixed and the wings laid in plastic or enameled dishes are poured with this mixture and are taken to the refrigerator for the night. The next day, it remains for the wings to get out, get wet from excess liquid and, putting them on a tray of microwave, overlaid with a double layer of paper, send them to the oven for about 20 minutes. Did not you get a delicious dinner quickly?

And here's another delicious recipe for chicken wingsin Mexican. Preparation of chicken wings by this method also does not require great cook skills. It is necessary to take 16 chicken wings, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 lemon, chili sauce, soy sauce and honey - all over a tablespoon, 4 fresh corn cobs, butter - 4 tablespoons and salt, spices to taste.

Garlic must be suppressed, lemon squeezed and mixed withsauces and honey. So it will be a kind of marinade. Washed and dried chicken wings covered with marinade. You can use a brush to get evenly. Now put the pickled meat for 6 hours in the refrigerator for impregnation. Corn cobs are also cleaned, wash and dry with a towel, grease them with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Finally, wrap them tightly in aluminum food foil. When the wings and corn are ready for cooking, fry them in the grill on both sides for 15 minutes each. Yummy! Fingers lick!

It is impossible to forget, once you taste, the taste of the dish fromchicken wings in mustard-sour cream sauce. For their preparation we take chicken wings not at the expense, but on weight. We have enough to try a recipe for chicken wings of this type of 500 grams of meat. We also need 4 tablespoons of mustard, half a glass of fatty cream, 2 tablespoons of honey, a mixture of curry spices and salt, and pepper to taste.

Before cooking immediately put the oven to heat.The temperature should be at least 200 degrees. The peculiarity of this method is that the wings washed and dried with a paper napkin are baked in the oven for 45 minutes. In this case, they should be periodically sprinkled with the resulting juice from the meat. After this, the wings are removed and carefully coated with sauce prepared by mixing the above ingredients. Then the meat again goes to the oven and languishes there for another half an hour. Try it, you should like it.

You will not regret if you cook a dish,using the recipe for chicken wings in tomato-onion sauce. For him, the fleshy wings of a broiler chicken are desirable. They pre-fry on high heat in a small amount of vegetable oil, which is pre-salt. Fry until a beautiful golden crust. In a separate frying pan slightly fried chopped onions with onions, which are spread over chicken wings, which are covered with a layer of thinly sliced ​​tomatoes. After the ingredients of the dish were peppered and salted, various flavoring seasonings were added, the wings covered with a dense lid and stewed over low heat.

To all wings, the ideal side dish is mashed potatoes, diluted in milk with the addition of butter and grated cheese.

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