In the field of Internet business, in addition to high demandusers for services that allow you to earn online, there is also a huge offer. Various companies offer fees for certain actions through their websites. Depending on the complexity of the proposed task, the final income of the person who performs such work varies.
There is nothing surprising in this, so you,probably already knew about the existence of such services. They operate in various fields, so any specialist can receive their online earnings.
On the other hand, besides the really payingresources, there are a lot of imitators - sites that give the appearance of imitating a real company. The purpose of such projects is completely different, and we will talk about one of them in this article.
Surely you've heard about howIt is common practice to cheat on the Internet. The conditions for fraudsters are just perfect - online, finding a real person who lured your money, without connecting government agencies, is simply insignificant. In addition, the operations with which users are deceived can be scaled in every way, repeating again. Therefore, the only way to protect yourself is simply not to mess with projects that can fool you.
Today we will talk about one of the sites thatconducts its fraudulent activity for a sufficiently long period of time. This is supposedly a payment system Reviews about him show that within a few months, users of this project were misled, because of what they lost their real money, trying to earn virtual. We will tell more about this a little further - about what the essence of deception was and how fraudsters persuaded people to transfer their funds to them.
For now, let's start with the general characteristics of the Reviews of real participants in the system will provide an opportunity to fully disclose the issue of such earnings, and also allow warn the following victims that they are not associated with this site.
The site referred to in this review,valid until now. This means that now he can attract new members, promising them additional income online. In fact, we do not know how many people were deceived by them in the end - but the numbers of money earned by the administration are probably very large. On average, each project participant requires an amount of about one hundred dollars. And the advertising campaign of this site was really large-scale - some customized articles and publications about it can be seen so far.
So what is Reviews indicate that this resource is presented as a payment system or electronic wallet that accepts payments in various online currencies. On the main page, in confirmation of these words, you can find a list of payment systems that can (supposedly) be exchanged and stored in this system.
Также здесь можно увидеть набор слов - описание resource in English. It says that we are faced with an international, advanced, large, world-famous system that allows payments to be made ... In general, frankly, this information does not carry any significant semantic meaning.
As the reviews describing show, the site’s appearance (its design, images, text) is copied from another similar resource. The meaning of this project is exactly like our object.
Вы скажете: “Это же платежная система!How can you earn money on it? ”We answer: it is very easy, using the desire of people to get money without much effort and a fairly simple scheme, to which many users pecked.
On behalf of the administration of this resource to othersSites offered work. The man had to deal with the distribution of funds for different accounts. That is, his task was to send different amounts of money to individual accounts in different payment systems (about 150 in total). The work is simple, but very routine and monotonous; they promised to pay for it 0.5% of the amount of funds spent by the system participant.
Since each of the transactions was a volume of 50up to $ 150, it is easy to understand that in a couple of hours of such a distribution a person could earn 200-300 dollars. Very well, especially when compared with the rates that are set on other types of earnings online. Yes, and these actions, as described on the site itself (reviews about which we were looking for), can be done from anywhere; the main thing is to have an internet connection and access to a tablet computer or laptop. Looks like a dream job, right?
And the party who flattered himself for easy money (reviews of such deceived, we just read) began a stormy work activity. People themselves did not complain about the conditions of the task, because it was really easy.
You opened the office in the system, on whichit was necessary to go. There were several accounts for an employee (which in fact never existed in real payment systems). They had to transfer money to them (probably, it was a technical game of the site). The man thought that he was really engaged in the distribution of real funds and applied a maximum of zeal to this, although, in fact, nobody allowed him to make money. Sending non-existent money also had to be done in a strict order, according to the instructions. All this continued until the system participant earned the amount that could be withdrawn to a real account from I-Cash. Reviews of the company show that it was here that one should wait for the greatest trick.
Once in the member’s internal accounta certain amount accumulates, he can withdraw it in any payment system convenient for him. True, it is allowed to do this only after a number of conditions have been met.
First, you need to pay $ 95 for activation.account (allegedly necessary for further cooperation with the system. Secondly, the person is also asked to pay $ 200 for the issue of a bank card, for which he will receive his money.
Attention!The trick was that it was impossible to take the indicated 295 dollars into account of the money that was brought during this time. Otherwise, the whole fraudulent ploy would come to naught. This was what had to be taken into account by those who actually sent their funds. As the I-Cash reviews of the company show, many people understood the trick - and simply abandoned the idea. However, there are even those who continued to work and believed that they could make money here. And, of course, some of the workers still sent money to the specified details, expecting to hit a big sum. As you can guess, after that the representatives of the site no longer get in touch.
Выплата 295 долларов - это действительно a serious condition that fraudsters put. Probably, this money was really paid to them by a large number of people, because otherwise they could charge a fee of $ 45 or $ 25, hoping to receive a larger number of transfers. But no, there was a deliberately set high price threshold to increase the income of criminals.
Given the anonymity of payments on the Internet anddespite the security of different payment systems, it is not yet possible to identify where the funds went and how they were subsequently managed with it. However, the owners of the site do not cost anything to maintain it on any Indonesian hosting, and send the accounts to an offshore bank operating outside of any jurisdiction. Therefore, only a very naive user can hope for a refund.
Describing our I-Cash (international payment service), reviews indicate that many have filed a complaint with the police, but also expect that it will not help.
Очень популярным в интернете является подобный reception It is used by various sites for earnings, which operate in various fields. This could be, for example, a platform for trading binary options, a site with surveys, a news resource. In fact, the same advertising could be seen on the pages of simple portals. Its scheme is simple - to make it appear that the participant receives a certain benefit (in the form of funds already earned by him), which require the return of a part of real money (to make a contribution of $ 295). Logically, the same amount could be deducted from what the user expects, but the company does not do so, referring to some made-up obstacle. People who believe in I-Cash (international payment service), reviews, of course, do not read - and simply trust their funds, expecting to receive much more in return. At this stage, the fraudsters completed their task, after which they can only disappear.
As for the resource, reviews of the site, analysis of attendance and the presence of the resource in the issuance of Google confirm that it continues to function. This means that at the moment, despite a lot of complaints, no one can close the resource. And the scammers continue to use their scheme further. So, the payment system, reviews of which are not read by as many people as we would like, is still deceiving. And naive people continue to give their money in the wrong hands.
In fact, not only in the Russian segmentThe Internet has such fraudulent sites. The payment system, reviews of which we have provided, has its foreign counterparts. And by the number of them much more. This is explained by the higher solvency of citizens of other countries. As the check and reviews of the website show, the overwhelming majority here are residents of the CIS countries. Whereas there are scam, whose audience affects visitors from the US, UK, Europe. It is easy to understand that such resources are luring more money.
For example, many are wondering what isis a Quick Cash System site - a divorce or the truth? Reviews about the resource are in English, so many of our compatriots do not know how to contact former clients of the fund. Because of this, problems arise. Can help Google Translate.
All foreign forums, blogs and websites write aboutas everybody was deceived by Quick Cash System. Reviews show that this site offers its binary options earnings scheme. The system is based on the fact that the user must purchase a guide, which will be told about a win-win earnings strategy. As proof of this, the Quick Cash website (reviews of people confirm this) posted a video in which the website services are advertised by a successful wife and mother, who allegedly uses the methodology described on the website and earns millions of dollars.
In general, in the field of "Forex" should be extremelycautious. And now it is not only about Quick Cash System (divorce or truth - reviews have already answered this question). There are a large number of different brokerage companies, trading platforms and other projects that can easily lure your money. To prevent this, check the reputation of each resource on the recommendations of other participants - and so you can definitely avoid fraudsters.
In general, we are interested not only in describingscam with quick cash reviews. Fraud is a more widespread phenomenon, as everyone can launch hundreds of sites similar to the characters in today's article. And to guess which of them is a real successful project, and on some beautiful advertising and deception, it is very difficult. You need to understand the scheme of work, and not the appearance or attractiveness of a project. Only in this way you will be able to determine these or other scam by their appearance, not thinking about whether we really have a working, successful resource with which we could make money, or another scam.
Anyway, be careful.If you are offered something very profitable, think: why is it necessary for someone. What will be the benefits to the organizers of a project if you take part in their program? And what guarantees that you do not throw?
How do critics of Quick Cash showSystem reviews of people, always think a little further, going beyond the limits of a beautiful advertising wrapper. It may well be that tomorrow you will be offered to take part in some new project that seems too tempting to refuse. Think about our article and remember the people who sent $ 295 for a card and activation do not understand what.
Best of all is to work on proven andstable projects that offer the real value of certain services. Whether freelancing, creating websites, online arbitration - in which you can get money, a huge amount. All of them are available to each of us, subject to the availability of free time, desire and access to the Internet. The main thing is to choose a permanent occupation and earn real money, without thinking about some obscure programs and sites where you are allegedly paid for strange tasks too much so that it is more attractive to the user.
Do not waste your time on scam sites, but try to make money in real schemes - and you will succeed!