/ / Hungarian Forint: an excursion from the past to the present

Hungarian Forint: an excursion from the past to the present

The Hungarian Forint, or Forint, isthe official monetary unit of Hungary. In English, the currency is called Hungarian Forint. The currency code according to ISO 4217 has the form of the HUF symbol. In the same form, the currency is traded on the international market in tandem with the dollar, euro, pound and other world monetary units. For the first time the notes were put into circulation on August 1, 1946. The reason for the innovations was the active inflation of the previous currency pengyo. In that historical period, the ratio of currencies was 1 to 4. Based on history, it is customary to equate 1 Hungarian forint to 100 fillers, despite the fact that since 1999 the filler was withdrawn from circulation.

Hungarian Forint

Excursion to the history

The name of the currency "Hungarian Forint" has a directattitude towards the city called Florence. It was in this corner of the earth in the 13th century that gold coins were minted under the name of fiorino doro, or gold florin. In the period from 1857 to 1892 years. Forint in Hungary it was customary to call the Austro-Hungarian currency. The Germans called the monetary unit an Austrian guilder. In everyday life, a name such as the Austrian florin is used. Despite the tradition, the people adopted a currency called the Forint.

The role of currency in history

Hungarian forint to ruble

The Hungarian forint played a big role in the historystate. The moment of its introduction into the country's financial system coincides with the seizure of state power by the Communists. The monetary unit fulfilled a number of political goals. She ousted her predecessor with a rate of 1 forint - 100 million pengu. The first two decades, the currency had a stable course. The loss of the country's competitiveness in the 1970s-1980s led to the fall. There was a time when the currency was just lying on the street like rubbish, nobody needed it. Since that period, the currency rate has fallen by no less than 35 percent annually. Only the reforms that were carried out in 2008 changed the situation. Great value in stabilizing the situation should be given to the world crisis of 2008 and the fall of the dollar. It was due to the difficulties in the economy of most countries in the world that Hungary was able to stabilize the situation at home.

Today, the Hungarian Forint to the ruble and to otherthe world's currencies, despite the disagreements between Europe and Hungary, settled on a stable course. A colossal decline, like 7 years ago, is not observed. The situation has changed, the forint gradually takes a strong position in the global economy.

1 HUF-------0,00400,00320,0025
1 USD250,2300-------1,80090,6357
1 EUR312,51401,2487-------0,7938
1 GBR393, 56721,57311,2597-------

With what currency to go to Hungary?

1 Hungarian Forint

Despite the fact that the Hungarian Forint is cheaperthe rest in Hungary costs a pretty penny. If you take the average rate, then 100 forints is equal to 24 rubles. The subway in the country costs 350 HUF, now we will count. In order to go one way by metro, you have to pay 100 rubles, and this is even expensive for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

If you plan a trip to Hungary, experiencedtourists recommend not to store the euro. Despite the fact that the country is part of the European Union, in everyday life the advantage is given to the state monetary unit. Euros and dollars are better to change to forints, due to the high rate. At the same time, we draw attention to the fact that a trip to Hungary will not cost less than one of the most prestigious resorts in the world.

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