Plastic cards are included in our daily lifenot so long ago, but already took a strong position, allowing each day to save time and providing round-the-clock access to financial management. This service is the most popular among the population, as it allows you to make necessary transactions yourself and at any time: transfers, payment for services, cashless payments and so on. Plastic cards help save a lot of time and release it to things more important than queues or waiting.
One of the most popular maps among the population- "Visa Classic". "Sberbank", one of the oldest and most reliable banks in Russia, offers to formalize it in any of the branches. At the same time, customers get the opportunity to take advantage of bonuses and special promotions.
Conditions for obtaining a Visa Classic card (Sberbank)
In order to become a cardholder, you do not need toso much. A citizen of the Russian Federation aged 18 and over, who has a permanent residence permit in the country, can become a client. At the same time, when issuing an additional card, the minimum age is 10 years. In order to start registration, you must fill out the application in person or on the Internet, present your passport and sign all the necessary documents. The application is considered approximately 2 working days, after which the client is informed about the decision taken.
Features and benefits of "Visa Classic" ("Sberbank") cards
Customers can choose when drawing up documentscurrency of the account: rubles of the Russian Federation, Euro or US dollars. Validity period is 3 years. At the moment, all cards issued by Sberbank are equipped with a chip to protect information. This will help to protect the client and his savings from unauthorized spending. Each card can be issued additional financial products. Many other benefits are also available to customers when they contact Sberbank. The Visa Classic card allows everyone to become a member of loyalty programs. In addition, you can receive discounts and bonuses from the partners of the bank.
Features of the Visa Classic card (Sberbank)
All bank customers can useautomated management system on the organization's website. With its help, you can perform all necessary operations at any time independently. If you have the functionality on your smartphone or tablet, you can install the "Mobile Bank" system. It will allow you to manage finances even more quickly.
Customers who value their time and preferpay for services and purchases on the Internet, "Sberbank" offers special protection of payments, which eliminates the loss or leakage of confidential information.
Features of the card "Visa Classic Youth" ("Sberbank")
Young people who prefer an active lifeposition, banks often offer special conditions, according to their needs. "Visa Classic Youth" from "Sberbank" - a good example of this. The card is available in two forms: debit and credit. In the second case, clients have the opportunity to use a credit line with a grace period and an interest rate of 24% per annum.