/ / Building companies of St. Petersburg: names and reviews

St Petersburg building companies: names and reviews

This article will briefly review the bestconstruction companies of St. Petersburg. The rating will be topped by the companies that have the largest number of construction projects to date. Since the list of construction companies in St. Petersburg, which are functioning at the moment, is prohibitively long, it is impossible to consider everything.

construction firms of st. petersburg

IC "47 Trust"

The construction company "47 Trust" was founded infar from 1963, and therefore has great experience and high prestige among other companies in the field of building houses. According to the merits, the construction companies of St. Petersburg put this organization among the main leaders in the real estate market in this region. The company operates both in the northern capital and in the Leningrad region. At the same time, it performs the functions of an investor, a general contractor, a developer, and a customer.

JSC "47 Trust" erects a brick house,panel, brick-monolithic, conducts reconstruction, as separate houses, and the whole areas. An example of such a perfectly executed work is a quarter on Turbin Street. The contest "Builder of the Year 2009", in which almost all construction companies of St. Petersburg participated, was won by this company.


Among the facilities that are put into operationcompany "47 Trust", a lot of really significant. These are residential buildings in Krasnoselsky, Petrodvortsov, Kirov districts, extensive quarters on at least five streets of the city that cherish their architectural appearance, as well as a cottage community in Strelna.

Few construction companies in St. Petersburgreceive such high trust from the authorities of the city. Now an apartment house is being built on Shlisselburgsky Prospekt. He is not very simple in execution. The name "Fisherman's Sail" says this. Also, the cottage settlement in Old Peterhof (Peterhof Manor), the Romanovsky Mansion housing estate, and apartment houses in Strelna are being completed. And that's not all the projects that are in the works.

construction firms of saint petersburg ooo

Setl City

This development company is literally thrivingon the Russian real estate market since 1994. Comments on the construction companies of St. Petersburg certainly put its name among the first, because today Setl City (a subdivision of the largest holding Setl Group) is considered one of the leaders of the investment and construction market in the region.

The company specializes as a developer andthe customer, erects various real estate objects not only in St. Petersburg and the region, but also in Kaliningrad, and also conducts development of commercial and residential real estate.

To save a style

Among the already completed and put into operationobjects of Setl City belong to very interesting projects. For example, LCD "Tokyo", LCD LakeHouse, LCD Nord, LCD "Capital of residences", LCD "Avangard", LCD "Southern Crown", LCD "Continental" and can still be very long list.

Very many other objects at the momentare in the works. They are also dozens, and all are called upon to complement the beauty of the city and to support its architectural style, that not all St. Petersburg construction companies are able to do so well. Work in this direction by the company is very carefully and carefully.

reviews of construction firms in St. Petersburg

"Standard LenSpecSMU"

The construction company "Etalon LenSpetsSMU",which is part of the EtalonGroup holding, which operates not only in the North-West, but also in the Moscow region, was lucky to be the largest developer of St. Petersburg and the region. In the track record of the organization, there are far more than one and a half hundred large projects on the creation of residential and commercial objects. JSC "Etalon LenSpetsSMU" is not only the erection of buildings and structures, but also geological surveys, design works, and the performance of the functions of the management company, the general contractor and the customer.

The success of JSC "Etalon LenSpetsSMU" equals allconstruction companies of St. Petersburg. Jobs in this organization are always, because the field of activity is wide. In general, in the sphere of construction, only the city claims at the moment about almost 26 thousand vacancies. "LenSpetsSMU Standard" is now engaged in the construction of eight large residential complexes, including the famous "Swallow's Nest", "Emerald Hills", "Tsar's Capital", "Jubilee Quarter" and others.

construction firms in saint petersburg work


The group of companies "TsDS" ("The Center of sharesconstruction ") was founded in 1999 and for some time did not flourish as a small company, but it managed to grow and become a whole corporation that conducts construction and investment activities and independently performs all the stages in the construction cycle. in 2007 she became a laureate of the region's award in this category, and in 2009 she became one of the top ten companies.

The main activity is constructionresidential economy-class apartments with not too large footage, but with a mandatory balcony or loggia and kitchen not less than 8 square meters. Today, "CDS" erects at least twelve residential complexes in the city and suburbs and the cottage settlement "Kantele" in Repin. What the company has already created, it is impossible to list, since the buildings erected by the "DCS" can be found definitely in any area of ​​St. Petersburg, and not in the singular.

construction firms in St. Petersburg

"Group Leader"

This company is versatile.Since 1992, she has been engaged in various production projects. Construction of houses began in 2002, but not only in St. Petersburg. A lot more objects the company has in Moscow and the Moscow region. However, in St. Petersburg, it is placed in line with the most successful construction companies. Therefore, the "Leader of Groups" falls into this list. Because a large number of own resources allows the company to carry out construction completely independently. All the objects delivered by this company are of high quality.

Projects are almost all individual, becausealso fulfilled independently. "Leader-Group" keeps in its portfolio of ready-made objects more than a million square meters of housing, which was rebuilt by the company in whole microdistricts. Also much praise has been gained by shopping and hotel complexes, business centers and other public buildings. The company is equally appreciated by the construction specialists in Moscow and the construction companies of St. Petersburg.

list of construction firms in St. Petersburg

LLC "LSR Real Estate - North-West"

This company is part of the LSR group,building corporation, uniting a wide variety of enterprises specializing in the production of building materials, own construction and development in Germany, Ukraine, the Urals, Moscow and Leningrad region, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. In St. Petersburg, this is one of the most successful developers and, probably, one of the largest. Creates residential complexes of business and comfort-class, coping with all adjacent territories and creating all necessary infrastructure.

On objects created by "LSR.Real estate - North-West "is easy to see: nice mini-parks, places for rest, children's and sports grounds, always convenient parking lots and parking lots. almost 80 objects are in operation, eight LCDs are now awaiting completion: Sofia, Pulkovo Posad, Antey, Viva, Quartet, Novaya Okhta, Kalina Park, and Southern Water Area. watch the work of the company and write numerous reviews on the Internet.

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