The word "broiler" is borrowed from the English.The consonant "that broil" translates as "roasting on a spit". And what kind of meat is better fried? Young. Well, to be more precise, broiler chickens with an average weight of 2 kg. Their meat is considered a dietary product. In addition, it is more tender and nutritious compared to the meat of an adult bird.
Growing of broiler chickens дело хлопотное, но и быстро окупаемое.Chickens with high vitality, good meat form of the body grow quite rapidly. The most popular are broiler chicken breeds Plymouth (white) and Cornish (white), bred in the United States.
Корниш белый — порода чисто мясная.In a year gives up to 120 eggs. In industrial production, the white Plymouth is crossed with the white cornish, which ultimately gives excellent offspring. With amateur production, you can limit yourself to white plymutrokami. For two months, broiler chickens reach one and a half kilograms, and some two. By the way, the chickens of the eggs would weigh no more than half a kilogram. A kilogram of weight gain consumes about 3.5 kg of feed (twice the amount required for egg-type chicken).
Выращивают бройлеров в закрытых помещениях.Next to them, they arrange net fences (from the rabitsa) for walks and sunbathing. For a dozen chickens it will take two square meters. Young plants are produced in dry and sunny weather. Unlimited poultry chicken broilers do not require: they will grow poorly. They do not need roosts for them either.
The premise for the content is chosen dry,light. Drafts are unacceptable. The litter (floor) becomes deep. It changes only when the next batch of broilers is settled. The best are sawdust, shavings, sunflower husks, straw sticks. Mold and odors are unacceptable. In summer, a thickness of 7 cm is sufficient, in winter - 12 cm. If the top layer is heavily soiled, it is removed, and the same amount is poured.
Broiler chickens. Feeding. It is not difficult to guess what food has ingrowing is crucial. From the usefulness and quality of feed will depend not only on the growth and quality of meat, but also the vitality of chickens. It is best to use mixed fodders, produced specifically for broilers by plants. They are already balanced, have all kinds of nutrients, vitamins, microelements. But broiler chickens can be successfully grown on mixtures of feed prepared independently.
The approximate kilogram composition of the mixture includes such components:
- to pull corn - 400 gr;
- Wheatgrass - 200 gr;
- barley barley - 150 gr;
- Oatmeal - 100 gr;
- sunflower cake - 150 gr.
To this composition it would be nice to add 50 gr of flourmeat-bone or fish, or 100 grams of home-made cottage cheese. In addition, each chicken should receive 1 gram of baker's yeast per day. On the seventh day, chopped nettle, alfalfa, cabbage, grated carrots (first 5 gr of each chicken, gradually increasing to 20) is added to the mash (wet). And to prevent rickets, broiler chickens should receive fish oil (per gram per day).
In the diet must be presentCalcium: crushed eggshell or chalk (10 grams per kilogram of feed). For good digestibility of food, small gravel is required (it is placed in separate feeders). Beginning with the week-old, babies are fed three times a day with a wet (not wet, namely wet) mash on milk (taken off). Dry fodder mix should be constantly in separate feeders. Take care that the remains of the feed do not become sour, while in the water bowls you always have fresh water. The first two weeks of broiler chickens require constant, round-the-clock lighting, then the duration of lighting (taking into account the natural daytime) decreases to 17 hours. The intensity of electric lighting up to 20 days is 4 watts per square meter, after 20 days it's already 2 watts.
When these norms are observed, broiler chickens grow strong, healthy and gain weight well.