/ / World famous landmarks: a round house in Moscow

Famous attractions: round house in Moscow

In Russia, the most common residential houses,having at least in the base form of a regular rectangle. But still the stories are known to the creators, trying to move away from the standards and create something unique. For example, a residential round house in Moscow, built by Konstantin Melnikov, became famous all over the world right after its creation. There is this architectural monument in Krivoarbatsky Lane and in our days.

History of creation

Round house in Moscow
Architect Melnikov was granted a plotland for the construction of their own house. The master approached this task especially responsibly. In his design, the finished structure should be as economical as possible in the construction and subsequent maintenance, and also be functional. Of course, not in the last place were the artistic and aesthetic qualities of the structure. At all thus, the house of architect Melnikov in Moscow, on a recognition of the author, symbolizes lifting from physiological requirements to pure creativity.
Round house in Moscow address
So, the workshop is located on the last floor,and under it are rooms for household purposes: from the kitchen and bathrooms, to the living room and bedroom (in ascending order respectively). On top of the building are two connected cylinders, above the entrance there is a large panoramic window, and the whole facade is studded with smaller diamond-shaped windows, the total number of which is 180 pieces.

More about the house

Separate attention deserves the bedroom.This room was created as ideal for a deep and productive night's sleep. According to the architect, all family members must sleep together. The round house in Moscow had previously been built in the floor in this room. Up to now, they have not survived. For convenience, in a large room for sleeping, there were partitions, for example the bed of the architect and his wife was partially fenced with a mirror screen. At the highest level, functionality was also thought out - every member of the family, including children, had his own office for creativity and work. Another unique room - a terrace for tea drinking, it can also be sunbathing. A round house in Moscow is a symbol of the limitless possibilities of man. The architect himself said that the most important thing is not to drive yourself into the framework and strive to fulfill your dream.

House of the architect millikov in Moscow

A unique monument in our days

Even outside to inspect this building can not everydesired one. The house is surrounded by a fence, on which hangs a curved plaque informing you that before you is a monument of architecture. The round house in Moscow is going through hard times. It was built in 1929, today the building needs major repairs. Despite the will expressed in the will of the creator about the arrangement of the museum in the building, today the building is still residential. Descendants of the well-known architect live in it, but it's not easy to understand the legal side of the matter. Not for the first year there is a lawsuit, the main task of which is to determine the ownership of this building. It remains only to believe that the restoration will be carried out in a timely manner and the museum will be created. Today, you can only look "one eye" at the outside of the round house in Moscow. Address of the monument: Krivoarbatsky lane, building 10. You can try to go into the courtyard of the neighboring building, from which the review is better.

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