The work of any enterprise is impossible withoutuse of accounting accounts. In the course of its economic and financial activity, a particular enterprise or organization needs to maintain a current record of the state of all the assets (assets) of the enterprise and all sources of its formation, record their movement, and also record other business transactions. The best way to do this is to keep accounts. They are more convenient for daily accounting than the general balance of the enterprise or other financial statements. Accounts have a fairly simple structure. The account consists of three main elements:
1. Account name and number.
2. Debit side (debit).
3. Credit side (loan).
What are active accounts and what is their financialessence? In accounts department use such accounts: active and passive, actively passive. Almost all active accounts, like passive accounts, have only one balance:
- active - debit;
- passive - credit.
Third accounts have both a debit andcredit balance. In the account on active accounts information on the property of the enterprise is reflected. On the passive, information is taken into account about all the obligations of the enterprise (ways of forming the property).
What are the active accounts for?With their help, the company's cash assets and all their changes are recorded. Balances (balances) on them are almost always indicated in the asset balance. On active balance accounts (initial, final) is recorded in its debit. All business operations leading to an increase in the assets of the enterprise are reflected in the debit, while those that reduce them are reflected in the loan. The final balance of any active account is determined by summing the opening balance and all debit turns and reducing the result obtained by the amount of credit turnover. Since these information reflects the information about the assets of the enterprise, their final balance is almost never a credit.
Active accounting accounts:
- "Fixed assets".
- "Finished products".
- "Materials".
- "Checking account".
- "Cashbox".
- "Settlements with debtors".
Passive are such accounts:
- "Authorized capital".
- "Budgetary financing".
- "Reserve capital".
- "Settlements with staff".
- "Bank loans".
- "Settlements with creditors".
When accounting on an active-passiveBoth the property and its sources are reflected at the same time. Such accounts are intended primarily for settlements with various creditors and debtors. The state of these calculations affects what balance will be in this account. So, if the enterprise owes others (debtors), the balance on such an account is debit and will be reflected in the asset of the enterprise. If the enterprise owes to another (creditor), then the balance is credit and is recorded in the balance sheet of the balance sheet. Sometimes there are situations when an enterprise is both a debtor and a creditor at the same time, then its balance can be both debit and credit, and a record about it will be reflected both in the asset and in the passive. This form of accounting entry is called deployed. For convenience of the account some bookkeepers do its folded (write down a difference between the rests in the debit or the credit).
Active-passive accounts include:
- "Profits or losses".
- "Settlements with debtors and creditors".
Some traditionally active accounts sometimesbecome active-passive in their economic essence. So, when an enterprise draws up a credit line (overdraft), the active account "Settlement account" can become active-passive, because the company uses not its own money, but borrowed money. In this case, he can have a credit balance.