/ / Investment policy of the enterprise and the state

Investment policy of the enterprise and the state

An integral part of the economic stateplanning is an investment policy. And it has a significant impact on both the micro- and macro-levels. The investment policy is made to revive investment activity, that is, to create the conditions that will be most attractive for depositors' funds.

The specialist regularly develops activities forinvolvement of additional capital. In this issue, the main criterion is the amount of funds invested and the level of riskiness of the operation. At the macro level, the state investment policy is considered, which in the final result should improve the economic situation of the country, and, consequently, significantly improve the standard of living of citizens.

The government also influences the degreeinvestment of capital of economic entities. Instruments of such impact are depreciation and scientific and technical policies. For example, government agencies set a depreciation rate that is mandatory for compliance by each economic entity. With such a simple measure, the government is able to control the speed of the reproductive process in each industry. In the development of scientific and technological progress the state is interested not less, therefore allocates appropriations for the enterprises of those industries that need them most.

If we talk about our country, the investmentthe policy of Russia requires careful study. After all, the economy needs an influx of foreign capital, the state budget funds have long been insufficient to finance all the needs of economic entities. This is clearly reflected in the wear and tear of equipment and other machinery in production, inadequate technological training, which was especially evident during the crisis. At the same time, the investment policy should be balanced, since the influx of foreign capital in large quantities creates a strong dependence of the country on the international level. And for this it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to use the available resources wisely. And only after the organization of a rational production process can you resort to the help of foreign sponsors.

At present, Russia's industry is veryit is advantageous to invest money, since the level of competition is low, the cost of raw materials and labor is much lower than in the west. Despite such an attraction, investors are cautiously concerned with such bright prospects. This is due to a variety of reasons, for example, the volatility of the country's economic situation, especially in times of crisis, political confusion. In addition, in our legislative system, too many inaccuracies and shortcomings can be found, so in some cases it is difficult to resolve the issue of the right to property. The state does not work in the field of attracting foreign capital, as it does not develop a system of benefits for foreign entrepreneurs. And, of course, constant jumps in the national currency rate do not allow conducting operations on the domestic market.

It can be concluded that the investment policyIt should develop in the direction of maximum risk reduction for foreigners, as well as in the direction of drawing up preferential tax treatment of investors.

The investment policy of enterprises is aimed atinvesting in other industries for the purpose of multiplying their own capital. And in order to achieve the main goal of this policy, it is necessary to draw up a clear business plan, relying on which the specialist proceeds in the future. Proper organization of the investment process will allow you to get a larger profit and significantly expand the main activities.

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