/ / How to buy or sell an apartment without a realtor: step by step instruction

How to buy or sell an apartment without a realtor: step by step instruction

There are such deals that have to be carried out infrequently. Among them - the sale or purchase of an apartment. This procedure is characterized by a number of nuances that seem very complicated.

In an effort to protect themselves, people turn toagency, but the work of realtors cost an impressive amount. For example, residents of the capital and the Moscow region can give up to 150-200 thousand rubles for such services. Naturally, there is a desire to save money. It turns out that buy or sell an apartment and save a lot of money is quite realistic.

Should I contact the services of real estate agencies?

Selling or buying an apartment yourselfseems to be complicated by many procedures. Of course, it's much easier to turn to realtors for help, but do you really need their services? When can I do without an agency:

  • Are you sure that without realtors you will not be able to make a deal from start to finish yourself? Carefully read on, and understand that everything is not as difficult as it seems.
  • You think that access to realtors is guaranteedabsence of risks? Take into account that in the transactions of sale and purchase, real estate agencies do not figure, because they are only intermediaries. Realtors can not give real guarantees, moreover, they themselves do not bear any financial or material risks.

how to sell an apartment without a realtor

Who will ensure the security of the transaction? You yourself.Protect your interests will help self-ownership of information, insurance transactions and legal advice. Self-purchase or sale of an apartment provides the possibility of personal control over the situation. Having carried out one transaction from beginning to end, you will understand that everything is not so difficult, and the functions of a realtor for himself and his loved ones can be performed by any person. The resource "Flat-without-agent.ru" will be useful even if you are still determined to use the services of a real estate agency. An excellent understanding of the process and conscious control of the actions of a realtor has not prevented anyone.

Virtual Assistant

Apartment-without-agent.ru - a unique project, nothing like that in RuNetno. The purpose of the resource is to raise awareness of the population about all the peculiarities of housing transactions and to teach the average person to solve their own housing problem competently and responsibly. With the help of this online methodology to buy an apartment without an agency even a person who is not familiar with the real estate market and the subtleties of jurisprudence will be able to.

The site "Apartment-without-agent.ru" - the only one of its kind professional project, which allows not only to save, but also to learn how to buy or sell an apartment independently, controlling all risks.

Features of using the resource

In the section "Step-by-step instruction" it is suggesteda large number of comments, specific examples, clues, links to options for interpreting terms. All terms used here are explained in the section "Realtor Glossary", which is very convenient to use.

In the "Step-by-step instructions" in detailIt is considered how to buy or sell an apartment without a realtor. The presented information is accessible for understanding even to people who for the first time are faced with the process of purchasing housing. For a detailed study of the entire procedure for preparing a deal, two or three days are enough.

Resource "Flat-without-agent.ru "will be useful if you are already familiar with the process of buying and selling in general.To clarify certain issues, find the section of interest in the" Site Map "," Statement Card "or" Glossary Map ".

For individual items it is better to consult withprofile lawyers. Such important points are highlighted in the instruction in red. This can be rather narrow and specific questions, for example, concerning the need for certain documents in individual cases. Contacts available for relevant linksprofessionals, competent in matters of contract law, specializing in transactions with housing. Realtors are engaged in the same, but for a monetary reward.

how to buy an apartment without a realtor

Algorithm of the process of preparing an apartment sale transaction

Consider how to conduct a transaction by example. This will help us step by step instruction for buying and selling an apartment. In this section you will find a guide thatwill lead you to the desired result, explaining each step and demonstrating all the pitfalls that may occur when making a decision. So, how to start:

  1. Determine whether you are a seller or a buyer. Let's say your goal is to buy an apartment.
  2. If your own money to buy housing is not enough, read the terms of the mortgage. Carefully study the information on the acquisition of ownership of the apartment.
  3. There are two real estate markets - primary and secondarysecondary. For example, you plan to buy a home on the secondary. Please note that in this case apartments with already issued ownership are offered for sale. Accordingly, even housing in a new building can relate to the secondary market.
  4. Following the instructions, select the appropriate one.option. Offers in the secondary market, as a rule, much more than on the primary. If you buy an apartment for your own residence, be guided first of all by personal preferences. The instruction also gives access to the most complete and up-to-date database of apartment offers.
  5. A suitable option is found.The apartment is inspected, the decision to purchase is taken. What next? Do not hasten to make an advance payment. There are many more things that should be clarified from the seller. In particular, we are talking about whether registration of property rights took place, who is registered in the apartment, whether there are persons among the owners who have not reached adulthood, etc. Thanks to the information provided on the site "Flat-without-agent.ru", you do not miss a single important moment.
  6. Prepayment. A certain amount is transferred to the seller so that he no longer searches for another buyer while the process of collecting and verifying documents is in progress.
  7. The seller is preparing a package of documents thatare necessary for the purchase of an apartment. Then you as a buyer check them. The independent establishment of "legal cleanliness of the apartment" includes the analysis of not only the documents, but also the identity of the seller. How to do it - described in detail in the instructions.
  8. All documents are carefully checked, it's timetransfer money. In the secondary market, payment is usually made in cash. Calculation through a bank cell is recognized as the most secure. The manual describes the various nuances of such calculations.
  9. The key stage of the transaction is the execution of the contractpurchase and sale of apartments. It is advisable to familiarize with its text in advance. Terms and formulations of the contract are also discussed in detail at the appropriate step of the instruction.
  10. Registration of ownership of the acquired apartment. It consists in entering data on new property rights in the EGRP database.
  11. The last step is to sign the deed of conveyance. Its compilation in any form is allowed. The document is signed by both parties. It is not necessary to register.

As you can see, nothing particularly difficult in thisthere is no procedure. Buy or sell an apartment, using the algorithm of the resource "Apartment-without-agent.ru" is not a big deal. And one more important rule: in order to have a reasoned protection of your rights to the apartment purchased, keep all the documents that were involved in the preparation of the transaction.

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