В последнее время интернет заполонили all kinds of photos, comics and videos "with seals." This is not surprising: many people like cats or at least like to be touched by fuzzy people from a distance. Even without a purring pet at home, you can admire the mustachioed faces every day, if you decorate home interior items with embroidered images of cats.
Embroidered pillows are not only beautifulgift, but also an excellent decoration of the living room, bedroom or nursery. Famous designers invented excellent cross stitch patterns for cats, suitable for both large and small pillows. The options are varied: some needlewomen work directly with the fabric of the pillows and then stuff it with padding polyester, while others value accuracy and cleanliness above all and do not want to take the product into cleaning with every pollution. In the second case, the craftswomen carry over the embroidery patterns of the cross of cats not on the material of bedding itself, but on pillowcases made by hand. Embroidered linen can be changed regularly - the pillow will remain clean.
С появлением инновационных техник рукоделия gradually forgotten more traditional types of female crafts. Nevertheless, it is not for nothing that the proverb says that everything new is a well-forgotten old: patchwork is slowly but surely returning to fashion - patchwork.
Although most often to create cozy blankets, blanketsand the usual patches of unwanted fabrics, left after the tailoring, are taken in the patchwork technique, modern craftswomen do not fear difficulties and make incredible handmade things from miniature embroidered canvases. Patterns of cross stitch cats are a special success, as the developers offer entire collections of designs in the same style. A great example is the collection of embroidered cats from Margaret Sherry. You can also use "animal" alphabets (of course, you will find much more variants of English letters than Russian ones) and the usual realistic figures of cats with no background. Genuine patchwork masterpieces create pieces of canvas with cute patterns of embroidery threads.
Small cross stitch patterns are excellentlook on napkins. If the design is quite small, it can be transferred to a corner of fabric or turned into an ornament to create an embroidered frame. In this vein, monochrome stylized heads of cats with a long mustache, added to the back-needle stitch, look very interesting; most often in this format appears black cat.
Cross-stitch (schemes, by the way, can be easily foundon any forum of needlewomen, in magazines and literature, it is possible to use the ones given in the article) will never go out of fashion. This is an easy and accessible to every woman occupation, which does not require special skills, high monetary costs and efforts.