/ / Cross-stitch. Baby embroidery for small needlewomen

Cross-stitch. Baby embroidery for small needlewomen

All the girls want to be like their mothers.So copy their outfits, habits and image. It all so touches! With age, children begin to share the passions of their parents. One of such a common hobby with success can be cross-stitch embroidery. Children's embroidery, of course, will not be very neat, but the child can be proud of the work done by oneself.

In addition, teachers recommend this formneedlework for the development of children's creative thinking and perseverance. After all, the child will have to spend more than one evening preparing embroidery. And then it needs to be framed. This can also be done independently. But for girls and boys to have the joy of cross-stitch embroidery, children's pictures used as schemes should be simple and understandable to the child.

How to choose?

Cross-stitch embroidery for children
Once in a specialized store, anycan be confused by diversity. And what is the best cross-embroidery for a child? First of all, children's embroidery will be distinguished by a simple and uncomplicated plot. Typically, the schemes depict animals, birds and cartoon characters. Less often it can be playing children.

It is also worth noting that the child can not yetlong to concentrate on one thing. Therefore, it is worth to give preference to works of a small size: 10 by 15 cm or 18 by 21 cm. At the same time, the cross must be large enough and be sewn with a thread of a floss in 4-6 additions. If this is the first cross-stitch for the girl, children's embroidery should be purchased in a ready-made set. It will have the necessary minimum of tools for work. Also give preference to embroidery kits with color schemes.

How to organize a workplace?

cross-stitch children's pictures
It should be understood that the child can spendembroidery is not only not one hour, but maybe more than one evening. Therefore, a properly organized workplace will help to facilitate the process and save the girl's health. It is best for the child to choose a place for embroidery next to the window. In the evening, provide good artificial lighting. This will help to keep sharp eyesight. Also it is necessary to take care of the child to sit comfortably. The back should not receive excessive loads.

Now you need to prepare all the necessarytool. Typically, the set already includes a pattern for embroidery, one needle and a canvas. In addition, you will still need a circular embroidery frame with a screw, a needle pad, a regular ruler, scissors and additional needles. Scheme is best placed on the left for the right-hander and on the right - for the left-hander, so it will be more convenient to spy. In order for a child to succeed his first cross-stitch embroidery, children's embroidery must be under the full control of adults. It also helps to avoid traumatic situations.


cross-stitch children's pillows
If everything is done right, the childsurely like this pastime. Then he will not only be able to be proud of his work, but eventually he will get better quality cross-stitch. Baby pillows can be the next step in his work. Moreover, such a dumpling will be an excellent gift to my mother or grandmother.

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