Even in the age of information technology, whenmany people in these subjects gave preference to the virtual world, cross-stitch embroidery among the female half of humanity remained popular. In this article, we consider embroidering a cross for beginners on a ready-made drawing, as well as advice and ideas.
The embroidery frame is a retainer for the canvas (canvas, fabric)for easy embroidery. What are they? Most often, two rings, between the edges of which the cloth is clamped. Embroidery frames come in different diameters. If the needlewoman-beginner has decided to seriously and for a long time to be carried away by an embroidery, it is better to buy hoops of several sizes.
Even embroidering with a cross on the finished patternprovides dimensions of the finished work. For example, if it is written that the dimensions of the future embroidery are 30x30 cm, then the hoop should be chosen with a diameter of about 30 cm. Do not be frightened by the fact that the canvas can not gain a foothold. Especially for this, in ready-made sets, the material is provided with an allowance of about 10 cm.
Immediately it is necessary to say that embroidery with a cross forbeginners on the finished pattern without threads in the set is undesirable. The fact is that the novice has no idea what kind of thread is needed for this embroidery. After all, smooth transitions of color can not be noticed even by an experienced artist or weaver. How can you distinguish very dark green from dark green at once? Yes, there are also such colors in the set that are easy to confuse. For the beginner, the factories make ideal sets:
As a rule, on the reverse side of the scheme are recommendations for embroidery. They need to be carefully studied, so that later there are no problems in the process of work and at the end.
Not every new needlewoman will notice an important thing:it is necessary to embroider in 2 threads, and not in 6, as it may seem. If there are few places on the site where the required color is required, you can cut off the short thread and fold it in half. So it will be safer, the end of the thread from the eyelet will not fall out.
Рекомендации в готовых наборах чаще всего одни:embroidery to start better from the center. Drawings are either solid or not solid (irregular shape, with spaces). The first can be started from any angle, not only from the center. But the second will have to start from the center and move in any of the four directions direction.
Drawing patterns for embroidery are quite convenientinvented. They are marked with a pallet (10x10 cells), at the edges are the numbers (indents) from the edge or center (most often the first). We need to decide on the direction. When this is done, you can start from the very edge.
It will be a big mistake if the newcomer choosesa large scheme. To start better with a small one, to make sure the correctness of the chosen hobby. This handcraft, unfortunately, like many, has a serious drawback: you can spoil your eyesight. For those who are so bad, and also the lighting is not enough, you need to take a small embroidery with a large canvas.
Embroidery with a cross takes a long time, soIt is necessary to determine the time of employment, for example, 2 hours a day with breaks of 10-20 minutes after half an hour of embroidery. Embroidery with a cross for beginners on a finished pattern should bring joy, and not anguish, so it is not recommended to succumb to the temptation to buy a very beautiful set of sizes 50x50 cm. This is for those who mastered the elementary embroidery.
The scheme with a teddy bear, presented in the previous section, is ideal for a beginner: there is a small set of threads, a simple scheme. The price, as a rule, for such sets is small.
In the shops there is often a canvas with a patternfor embroidery. You need to select the threads yourself. Immediately it is worth noting that this is unprofitable. Moulinet is expensive, but only standard skein is sold. Cut the right amount, no one will. The second problem will be the choice of the color gamut of threads. It's easy to make a mistake in this case. Why? When the embroidery is ready, it turns out that some color is too bright and out of place, it spoils the whole drawing. And look embroidery will be ugly.
In the finished set, everything is provided, and the priceacceptable. It is important only to look at what lies in the package. Instead, floss may be woolen threads, which are not very suitable for embroidery. They are able to get confused even with careful handling.
When embroidery is ready, she wants to give someoneor apply for a case. Ideas can be mass, depending on what kind of embroidery was done with a cross with patterns: a solid picture or an irregular shape, what size. What can you think of? It can be:
It is important to process the edges of the canvas so that theytime did not dissolve. If it is supposed to erase this thing in the future, then the threads in the embroidery must be firmly secured from the very beginning, and at the end of laying tight material from behind.
What can I say about embroidery?cross for beginners on the finished pattern? The work is quite long, but fascinating. It is necessary to provide good lighting and a convenient place, and then handicrafts will bring a lot of pleasure.