Embroidery is one of the most popular typesneedlework. The craftsmen create the most amazing and beautiful things. In this case, different stitches are used - smooth or cross. Also there are simply wonderful paintings from tapes. With their own hands, manufactured things amaze with tenderness and natural beauty. It's quite easy to create them, and the whole process takes not so much time, as when working with floss threads.
A thin strip of tissue is passed through the needle withan elongated eyelet. The tape should pass into it freely, without twisting. Pre-it must be cut obliquely. Then, to securely fix it, you need to pierce the needle through it at a distance of two to three centimeters from the beginning, and then pull the needle closer to the needle's needle. Now pull the short end down. Get a bundle.
Color strips made of silk, fitfor embroidering a picture with ribbons, and for decorating clothes. They are very convenient because they do not crumple. Easily amenable to washing satin or moiré, besides they do not shed. They can be embroidered almost on any fabric. Also apply braid from organza. The image is voluminous and tender. Lace and veil tapes will complement the picture. Necessarily need thread for embroidery. They make out the contour of the picture or fix the colored fabric strips from the inside of the work.
Another curious stitch is called Japanese.Its feature is that the tape must pass through itself. There are other types of stitches, for example, a loop with a stitch. It is used to create cups of flowers. Use needlewomen straight stitch with curl and other elements.
The flower is embroidered as follows.Carry out five stitches, located radially. Then, moving from the center in a circle, pass the tape above and below them. Sometimes for a single composition, separate elements are made, and then they are combined together on a web.
You can embroider a picture with ribbons with roses,executed in a different way. For this, a strip of satin is folded at right angles. The ends turn in turn upward, weaving them into a cord. Its length should be from five to seven centimeters. Then you must both hold both ends of the tape with your fingers and gently pull on one of them. As a result, the cord will gather in the rose. To the flower does not crumble, it must be fixed at the base with two stitches. They must pass through its middle. The edges of the tapes must be treated with glue or scorched with matches. Thus, the fabric will not bloom.
Stitches must be done carefully.Ribbon, each time stretching through the canvas, must be straightened. Then the embroidery will look very beautiful. The first to perform flowers. If they are all the same color, the transition from one to the other is done from the wrong side. But if the distance between embroidered objects exceeds four centimeters, it is better to cut the tape and start each time first. Then do the leaves. It turns out just great pictures of flowers, ribbons can also make bees, moths and much more.
To fasten the seam, the tape must either be sewn tofabric, or display on the wrong side of the canvas. In the latter case, make a neat loop and hold the needle under the finished stitches of embroidery. After the work is completed, when pink satin buds blossom on the canvas, you can decorate it with beads, rhinestones and beads. These elements will be a very relevant addition. Also draw a pattern knots and stitches.
For a skilled worker to embroider a painting with ribbons is notlabor. Work enthralls, captures and takes a little time. The needlewomen create the most delicate, like real flowers, light butterflies, birds. Such a picture will not only decorate the interior of the apartment, but also serve as a great gift for relatives and friends.