/ / Will the foil cap save the aliens?

Will the hat from foil save the aliens?

The myth that a foil cap is capable ofto protect the human brain from all sorts of scans from space, has long been dispelled. The Internet literally exploded from the information about these amazing miracle-hats, they say, they protect your brain from radio waves. Also, by wearing it, you can not be afraid of alien attacks by using the brain. It was believed that all the negative effects simply reflected back, without causing any harm. However, due to a number of studies, it was revealed that the foil can not in any way contribute to the reflection of various signals back into the universe. This was written by ToRead and Science.

foil cap

Everyone has the right to opinion and hisbeliefs. Many of those who feared any tracking from space and all sorts of control over the mind, were fervent in such an invention as a foil cap. It was considered that such a "device" made of foil is a serious invention that will serve as a salvation from magnetic waves. Some, by the way, still wear them, believing that they will serve as an excellent weapon that either sends back all negative signals back to space, or simply suppresses them.

aluminium foil

Above such caps, material for manufacturingwhich served as an ordinary aluminum foil, a number of experiments were performed, through which it was found that they can not be effective in protecting from control from space.

The research was carried out quite thoroughly.Several varieties of such a cap were used: classical form, Fezka and Centurion. Tests were conducted on volunteers. A foil cap was put on and receiving antennas were installed. They created certain frequencies, and the analyzer Agilent, which was connected to them, checked incoming signals. The experiment showed that people's opinion that the foil cap blocks signals is erroneous. And even on the contrary - the signals were strengthened, not weakened.

This signal was analyzed by Agilent, andthe result showed that the amplification of frequencies occurs literally in any region of the brain. Therefore, the foil cap is not only inefficient, but also harmful. And during the war with the newcomers, it will not help humanity, but enemies from outer space.

Foil hats

Nick Pope, widely known in narrow circlesthe head of the UFO research project at the British Ministry of Defense, said that our planet is completely open to the invasion of the ancient civilizations. After all, since when the UFO research department was closed, nobody is watching the unexplained phenomena. He also noted that all flying unidentified objects, as it was before, are not marked anywhere and are completely ignored. If someone suddenly reports that he saw something inexplicable, the Ministry will not react in any way.

Pope was the head of the project from 1991 to 1994year. For all these years of work, he revealed a host of all possible signs of alien beings. According to him, the Earth is in no way protected from an attack from outer space. However, extraterrestrial civilization has never shown signs of hostility, so there are no significant reasons for concern. However, one should not believe that if the war of the worlds begins, humanity will save the foil caps.

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