/ / Embroidery with lilac ribbons. Lilac branch: master class

Embroidery with lilac ribbons. Lilac branch: master class

In the circle of needlewomen, interest in voluminousThe paintings, where the flowers turn out to be real in shape and color. Especially the technique of creating inflorescences is unique. Let us consider in more detail how embroidery with lilac ribbons will be performed in different ways.

Techniques of embroidering lilacs

Lilac consists of many flowers with three,four, five petals and the top, consisting of closed buds on legs. No matter how the inflorescence is embroidered, each flower is created separately. For beginners it is worth trying all the ways to choose your "own" method:

  • ribbon seam;
  • French knot;
  • colonial petal;
  • fabric assembly;
  • the creation of individual flowers.

Let's start the parsing from the ribbon seam, from itembroidery began with lilac ribbons. The stitch is simple in technique of creation, therefore it is popular with beginners. Each petal of the flower is embroidered separately. The needle is removed from the middle, adjusting the tape from the inside. Form the length of the petal, holding the top of the hand, insert the needle into the point near the exit. Also do the other four petals.

Do not forget to attach volume, from the wrong side of the flowerThe needle is held back and forth, the tape does not tighten. Thus, a whole bunch is embroidered. Bunches consist of a single ribbon seam. In this case, one-layer inflorescences are obtained. This is a very laborious and laborious embroidery ribbons (lilac, photo number 1). In this version, leaves and branches are embroidered immediately.

French and colonial suture

Another way to create flowers is toFrench knot. Bring the needle to the front of the fabric. From the wrong side, straighten the tape, pulling it, make the right amount of windings around the needle. Holding them with your fingers, insert the needle next to the exit point, gently pull the tape to make a nice bundle.

embroidery with lilac ribbons

Due to the number of coils, a size is createdlilac. Professionals recommend two girths for opened flowers and one for buds. Buds are made by a seam "a French knot on a leg". That is, the needle with a coil enter not into the exit point, but a few millimeters further. Such embroidery with lilac ribbons is shown on the photo with a rose.

Colonial suture looks like FrenchNodule, but the technique of performance is different. That is, the accent is not circular, like the French stitch, but the "eight". Next, holding the navigating, insert the needle next to the exit point through the tape, at the same time the working edge is tightened so that the "eight" forms a knob. Then the needle goes to the underside of the tissue through the nodule.

"Team" embroidery: schemes for beginners

To create the splendor of the flower itself, the mastersbegan to "build" them on the fabric, embroidering twigs at the same time with threads of mulina and leaves with ribbons. To create a flower, bring the needle to the wrong side, another with a thin needle, thread a few stitches with thread in the ribbon. Pull it to form a "wave", remove the needle with the tape on the wrong side at the point next to the "exit" of the stitch. Thread the position of the flower.

ribbon embroidery kits

This method requires simultaneous operation.different threads and ribbons, creating a single image, which is difficult for beginning masters. Therefore, needlewomen invented another method of making flowers separately.

Embroidery ribbons lilac for beginners involves the following steps:

  • cut the 5 mm tape length of seven centimeters;
  • fold it several times in half to form 4-5 pieces;
  • fold line tightly;
  • unfold the ribbon;
  • bait the tape in segments, starting from the top;
  • on the fold lines goes double stitch;
  • holding the ends of the ribbon with your palm and fingers of your left hand, your right hand gently straightening the thread, straightening the immediately obtained petals;
  • fasten the thread of the first and last petal from the inside out.

There are a lot of such flowers for one branch - 7 meters of ribbon.

How to create leaves of lilac

Leaf making technology is also diverse.as embroidery lilac ribbons. Small leaves are embroidered with a loop. That is, remove the needle at the base of the sheet, pull the ribbon and straighten it. Enter the needle next to and output at the top of the leaf. Around the tip wrap the ribbon, pull the needle, forming a loop. Spread the ribbon on top of the leaf, insert a needle into it, securing the stitch.

embroidery patterns for beginners

Middle leaves are formed by straight stitches. Just draw the ribbon at the base of the element, and insert the needle into the ribbon at the top of the leaflet, pulling up one or the other edge from the inside.

Одна и та же картина может содержать все виды leaves, so creating an unusual, voluminous, colorful embroidery. Schemes for beginners when creating individual elements are simple. Draw the shape of the sheet, cut, burn with fire, adjust the bends. Leaves dispose one by one or gather in a trefoil. Sometimes streaks are painted with acrylic paints, stitched with stitches or guilloche with a soldering iron.

Needlewoman Secrets

That the picture was natural, you need to correctlyconvey the color and shape. Tapes can be bought ready-made lilac, pink, blue shades or take only white color, which is painted with acrylic paints. To lilac was natural, in the middle you embroider a yellow thread with a French knot. Sometimes beads are used.

ribbon embroidery lilac photo

How to paint?Slice satin, silk into segments (30-50 cm). Paint them on a dry or wet surface, then the paint falls in different ways. Mixing shades, you get different transitions. Next, dry them in the microwave.

Если нет опыта или рукодельные магазины скудны по assortment, then purchase kits (mixed media, print or fully embroidery ribbons). The sets are convenient by the availability of material with a margin, clear instructions, an affordable price. Just do not take professional bulky pictures, start with children's stories. Once you have mastered the stitches, you can use patterns from the logs. Professionals create any pictures of the usual photos.

Lilac embroidery ribbons: master class

Как создать картину по фотографии?Draw a sketchy pattern, for example, a bouquet of lilacs in a vase or basket. Create a background colors on batiku. If the bouquet is on the tablecloth, then first fix it. Then make a basket or a vase.

embroidery lilac with ribbons master class

In the first case, flashing vertical at the basketlines, wrap them with ribbons, creating thickness. And then, twisting the lines, drag horizontal ribbons. The basket can be embroidered with woolen threads. To create reliefs, the thread is rewound several times, forming tubercles.

You cut a vase from cardboard, you stick a synthetic winterizer,cover with fabric, decorate with braid or paint with acrylic paints. Now go to the lilac embroidery. You can embroider from any place. If there are large elements in the bouquet, embroider them first as well as the “lower” elements of the background (leaves, flower petals, branches).

At first, beginners will find it difficult to embroidery with ribbons. Sets with different technologies or a plot will help to gain experience faster. Then you will be able to cut the ready-made pictures into stitches.

Rules for beginners

  1. For work take gabardine fabric, which stretches and does not create distortions.
  2. Use a ribbon width of four to five millimeters for flowers.
  3. Buds create from 1-3 mm ribbons. It is difficult to find them in handmade hypermarkets, so immediately order from online stores.
  4. You can make flowers from air loops, whichmiddle stitch beads. That is, one stitch equals a flower. The loop differs from a straight seam in that a pencil is inserted under the stitch, which creates the size of the flower.
  5. For volume, the second layer of flowers is sewn according to the shape of a branch.
  6. For leaves suitable tape width of one to three to five centimeters.
  7. Ribbons can be made from natural fabrics.(satin, silk). Tearing along the lobe fabric, cutting it diagonally with scissors or cutting it with a round knife along the scythe. Tapes dry for three minutes at the maximum temperature in the microwave, placing a glass of water in the center of the bowl.
  8. Background create with paints and sea salt. Just paint the background, cover it with salt, and as soon as the fabric dries, you remove it with a brush. Salt gives specks and stains.
    lilac ribbon embroidery for beginners

Summary results

Beginners better start with kits to learn.basics and understand the principle of operation. Professionals can scoop information from magazines, looking at the work of needlewomen. Each craftswoman comes up with her own “secrets”, so each will have their own lilac embroidery ribbons (the master-class technician is described above). Try to embroider small twigs in different ways, then you will see which image is closer to you in perception.

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