/ / How to make a helicopter with radio control yourself

How to make a helicopter with radio control yourself

People for a long time were worried about the idea of ​​flying.They envied animals with wings: birds, butterflies, dragonflies. Any boy, as well as an adult man, will not refuse to play with even a small flying model. And many of them are wondering how to make a helicopter with their own hands.

how to make a helicopter

Of course, the finished model can be purchased instore. And we offer variants of different price categories and in different degrees of readiness. If desired, the buyer can find a miniature car, completely ready for the flight, and one that needs to be assembled from the smallest parts.

But the most interesting after all will be such an option as to make a radio-controlled helicopter itself.

What is needed for this

To accomplish this difficult task, some materials will be needed. As usual, for example, glue, drawings, material for the manufacture of parts, and specific, such as the control panel.

how to assemble a helicopter
Often are interested not only in how to dohelicopter, but also how difficult it is. In fact, these models are considered relatively simple. The fact is that during their construction, such types of work as gluing, grinding, and tightening with the material are not used. The flying machine will consist of nuts, bolts and several basic mechanisms that need to be assembled into a single whole.

To assemble a radio-controlled helicopter it is desirableuse the gyroscope. It will have to be purchased in ready-made form. This detail is necessary in order to correctly orient the helicopter in space, it will not allow it to roll over or fall to one side. This is especially important for the first flights, when the pilot himself is still inexperienced and only learns to manage his car. Also, the gyro helps to compensate for wind pressure.

Where to begin

Before you make a helicopter, you need to select the scheme and drawings. Then, from the material (usually wood or plastic), cut out the constituent parts.

Connect parts together with bolts and nuts, it turns out a kind of lego-helicopter. Sometimes glue is used, but such connections can be unstable.

Assembling the engine

Then proceed to assemble the engine. The models use batteries that are located in the center of the body to ensure a smooth horizontal position of the machine in the air.

In the power supply the axle for the screw is inserted, on itinstall screw blades. At this stage, it is necessary to perform a preliminary check of the interaction of the control panel with the engine of the model and make sure that all functions work correctly.

It makes sense to use a special remote control forhelicopter. In addition to the basic functions that the aircraft control panel allows to perform, the helicopter is also equipped with the ability to provide the interconnection between the gas and the angle of inclination of the blades. Additional channels can be used to control the gyro or chassis.

how to assemble a helicopter
Final assembly

It remains to assemble the model. It is necessary to attach the controls correctly, do not forget about the tail screw. The helicopter is ready for the first flight tests, which will help to correct possible shortcomings.

After that, it will remain to decorate the hull, and you can enjoy the flights. It only remains to ponder further how to make the helicopter faster and more maneuverable.

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