Needlework is again in vogue today.On what only girls are not solved, to create beauty! They sew, and knit, and embroider. Any kind of creativity has its advantages, but from all of the above the most valuable in its results in the material sense of the word is the cross-stitching of large paintings.
It should be noted that embarking onlarge paintings are needed only after the person is already confident in their abilities and knows that he can bring the matter to the end. After all, this kind of creativity - quite laborious and takes a lot of time, so the result is not seen so soon. To get the finished work you need to work hard. So, what do you need to have to start embroidering? Canvas, thread and needle, as well as the scheme by which the work will be performed. What you need to know about the scheme, if the cross is to be embroidered? Large pictures (diagrams) are read as simply as small ones, it's not the size. However, it is better to study the schematics in advance, in order to understand whether the forces have enough power to cope with the chosen pattern, and to determine the number of threads and their shades that will be needed to carry it out. It is worth noting that all the elements necessary for work can be bought separately or in a set. The best and more successful will be the second option, if you have a pretty large cross stitch. Large pictures (sets) are more beautiful and harmonious, the manufacturer selects the thread himself. Competently choose the color range can not every craftsman.
If the embroideress decides to find all herselfmaterial, it must correctly calculate the size of the canvas, so that the picture fits. To do this, you will need to perform simple calculations using a special calculator. But it is also important to take into account the stock of fabric - so that the picture can then be framed without problems, say, placed in a frame. The minimum estimated stock is 5 cm on each side of the fabric, the ideal one is 10 cm. It is also important to process the edges of the fabric. You can do this in various ways - walk a zigzag or overlock on the sewing machine, stitch it by hand or glue it (however in this situation it is necessary to use a special glue that will not damage the canvas). The fabric needs to be ironed with a steam iron so that it shrinks to work, and not after everything is ready. It is also important to determine the threads that will be used. If you are going to cross-stitch large paintings, it is better to take a mulina, and not acrylic (or woolen) thread. The thing is that the mulina has a huge color range, in addition, they are practically not washed and do not burn out. As for the needle, for embroidery there are special, rather thick, with a blunt end and a big ear. Such a needle can not be injured by fingers, and it easily resembles the cages of the canvas.
Ways of embroidery
Cross-stitch large paintings canproduced in various ways. The finished work can be embroidered with a full cross, half, often three-quarter or one-quarter crosses are used, and also the seam with a "needle back", which gives the outlines to the object. If you are going to cross-stitch large paintings, you need to observe a few simple rules, so that the beautiful turned out not only the front side, but also the underside - this is also very important. For this, it is strictly forbidden to knit knots on embroidery. The tails of the thread are fixed under the crosses, however, it is also necessary to combine colors in such a situation. It's not too beautiful to look a black tail under a white cross. The ends of the threads should be cut under the very embroidery, not leaving them in sight.