/ / Openwork paper cutting: schemes and recommendations

Openwork paper cutting: schemes and recommendations

The one who first sees the products made inthe form of carved lace from ordinary paper, it is always surprised that such beauty is easy to create with your own hands. Everyone can master openwork paper cutting. Schemes, which are taken as a basis, are easy to find in the special literature. The necessary tools are inexpensive and affordable.

openwork paper cutting schemes master class

Decor ideas

You can use this interesting technique as forperformance of cards, panels, and interior decoration. Products are usually made of white or black paper, but other shades look great too. Interestingly, not only flat things are performed. The volume openwork cutting of paper looks very impressive. Schemes for such objects are also presented in the form of a contour drawing on a flat sheet, which is then folded along certain lines and glued together in a three-dimensional part. So, in the technique of silhouette carving, you can do the following:

  • Postcards.
  • Snowflakes.
  • Decorations for windows.
  • Napkins for the table.
  • Volumetric decor based on flat product or assembled three-dimensional paper design.

Having mastered the simple options, you can make things fabulous in beauty.

tracery cut out of paper scheme

Materials and Tools

You will need the following to master openwork paper cutting:

  • Schemes and printer to print them.
  • Sheets of white (or other) color.
  • Dummy knife
  • The basis on which you will cut (a special tablet, a plain board or a piece of thick cardboard).
  • Manicure small scissors as an alternative to a knife or addition to it.

The rest is optional and depends on how you will use the blanks:

  1. To glue on a color basis - decorative cardboard and glue.
  2. Hanging on the tree or in the space of the room - pendants (threads).
  3. To decorate a window - a usual or bilateral adhesive tape.

In fact, nothing complicated, special and expensive is needed. Ordinary office stationery. The main thing - patience, perseverance and the desire to make a masterpiece with their own hands.

Openwork paper cut out scheme

Openwork paper cutting: schemes, master class

Traditionally, patterns are created by cutting out pieces.pattern on a folded sheet in a certain sequence. One of the most common and familiar products are snowflakes, but you can not only make them. It will look very impressive napkin or mirror frame, made according to the following model.

tracery cut out of paper scheme

Work like this:

  1. Take a sheet of white paper and fold it.
  2. Attach the printed picture to the tracing paper and doublecircle the outline to first draw it on the tracing paper, and then transfer from it to the prepared base, or cut the part of the pattern as a stencil and circle it.
  3. Cut the pattern with sharp scissors.
  4. Deploy the product.
  5. Iron the bends with an iron through another sheet. You can even the usual spoon.
  6. Place the openwork napkin on colored cardboard or paper. Gently glue with a compound that does not stain.
  7. Laminate the product. So it will last longer and preserve the pristine beauty.
    tracery cut out of paper scheme

Openwork paper cutting: New Year's schemes

Для декорирования интерьера элементами этой Techniques can make a variety of decorations on ready-made patterns. Print them at the desired scale (usually blanks are designed for a standard A4 album sheet), cut out the pattern. On the Internet a lot of blanks as directly festive, and just winter subjects.

  • Christmas balls.

Openwork paper cut out scheme

  • Christmas trees.
    Openwork paper cut out scheme
  • Houses.
  • Snowmen

Openwork paper cut out scheme

  • Entire landscapes and lace story scenes.

Get started with simple diagrams.

Openwork paper cut out scheme
Having mastered the principle and trained the hand, go to more complex multi-object compositions.
Openwork paper cut out scheme

How to make beautiful snowflakes

One of the most traditional and favorite ways.decorating the premises for the New Year is a decoration with paper snowflakes. Usually they are glued to the windows, cabinet doors, walls. Some make garlands of them, hang them on threads or place them on a Christmas tree.

openwork paper snowflakes for cutting

To make beautiful openwork paper snowflakes, cut out schemes are better to take ready.

openwork paper snowflakes for cutting
The main thing is to fold the paper correctly.drawing a pattern. Any snowflake consists of a repeating pattern on a circle. There are blanks for 1/6 and 1/12 parts. The second option with a narrower sector is obtained by additionally adding the blank for 1/6 part. You can fold a part on the basis of an already cut circle or any sheet that is first cut to a square, and then folded or, conversely, first folds are made, and then the shape of a sector of a circle is cut out.
openwork paper snowflakes for cutting

So, you learned in more detail what constitutesopenwork paper cutting. Schemes for any product you can take ready-made or show imagination and develop your own exclusive thing. Engage in creativity. Create a beautiful decor with your own hands.

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