All the great travelers went to the verydistant wanderings with the sole purpose of finding new trade routes, at the same time opening up new lands. And today most of the cargo is transported by sea vessels. Even nowadays it is the cheapest and reliable way to deliver goods to the consumer. Therefore, each country seeks to have its exits to the sea and develop shipping. But where is the largest port of the world? What does it depend on and why did it happen?
More than half of the ports included in the top ten,are in China. And this is not an accident. Today there is no country that does not have trade relations with China. Annually from the republic the goods are exported to hundreds of millions of dollars, and, of course, most of them are transported on sea vessels. If you look at the world's largest ports on the map, most of them are located on the east coast of China. These are Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Qingdao and Tianjin. Their total cargo turnover is more than 100 million TEU per year.
It should be noted separately among all these portsShanghai and Hong Kong. For quite a long time in the rating "The largest port of the world" they occupy the first and third places respectively. This is due, above all, their successful location and development of trade relations of the Celestial Empire with the rest of the world. In fact, after Beijing this is the 2 largest industrial and economic center in China. In addition, Hong Kong is on a special situation and has a number of tax incentives, which contributes to the development of international economic relations.
Until 2010, Singapore proudly worethe title "the largest port of the world". However, today it occupies an honorable second place, yielding only Shanghai to cargo turnover. Despite this, it has not lost its relevance. Annually in this port is shipped at least 31.7 million containers. It's only 3% less than the leader of the rating. And all thanks to a successful location at the intersection of commercial sea lanes in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Yes, and the port of Singapore is amazing in its scope. More than 50 container berths and 172 cargo cranes are located on the area of more than 600 hectares. And this despite the fact that the population of the country slightly exceeds 5 million people.
Of course, the largest seaports in the worldare located not only in China and Singapore. So, another 3 ports belonging to the top ten are located in the UAE (Dubai), South Korea (Busan) and the Netherlands (Rotterdam). South Korean Busan is ranked fifth in the ranking, and, according to the leadership of this country, this is not the limit of its capabilities. Every year its capacity is increased, including through the exchange of experience with Chinese and Singaporean counterparts. Today its freight turnover is a little more than 22 million containers per year.
But the port in Dubai, unfortunately, only loseshis position and takes 9th place. Most of its cargo is oil and its processing products. But unsuccessful management and a number of risky operations put him on the verge of bankruptcy. Today, the authorities of the UAE (the state owns a large part of the port) are trying to restore its position on the world stage by issuing shares on the London Stock Exchange and developing economic relations.
Closes the same rating called "The largestPort of the World "Rotterdam in the Netherlands This is the only European port in our list annually ships more than 10 million containers per year .It is interesting that 20 years ago it occupied a higher position, but with the development of trade and economic ties with Asian countries, but its role for the development of European countries should not be minimized, especially since other ports in Europe have not even entered the G20 for a long time.
Despite the fact that the length of maritime bordersRussia is about 40 thousand kilometers (2/3 of the total), not one of the largest ports in the world is located on the domestic coast. The largest port in Novorossiysk processes no more than 1 million containers per year and is not even included in the TOP-20. Other large sea hubs of the Russian Federation, such as Khabarovsk, Nakhodka, Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg, have even less capacity. It is worth noting that their role for the state is much greater than for the world economy as a whole.