Amateurs create pictures and crafts coneshave long been a commonly used material. But it's one thing to make compositions from whole fruits of spruce and pine, and the other is to create flat pictures and applications of cones, or rather, from their scales. This is a small material from which you can lay out any figure or character, decorate the background or lay down an ornament.
Scales pine are larger than spruce, so thatadd volume to any composition. They are even used in making the roof of self-made houses. After all, they are very similar to shingles. Combine such a fertile natural material can be absolutely with any others - with leaves and paper details, tissue and seeds of a pumpkin, watermelon or sunflower, croup and cotton. Do not list all.
In this article we will present several samples of applicationsfrom cones made by children of preschool and primary school age, we will consider in more detail how to work with scales of pine and spruce, which is additionally required for creating a picture.
Before starting to cut flakes from cones,you need to process them correctly. After all, the natural material is mostly collected on the ground. To work with them, bumps should first thoroughly clean under water, scrub all scales with a stiff brush. Then they are put on a cotton napkin or a terry towel and naturally dried.
Only when the cones are clean and dry, you can startCutting off individual elements. It is most convenient to do this with a secateurs or pliers. For thin fir cones are suitable and sharp scissors. Cropped scales to the trunk. This is a solid branch in the middle. It is then discarded and not used at work. Try to keep all the elements the same size, without sharp chipping. For young children, such preparatory work can be done by the pope, and in the kindergarten the teacher prepares the material in advance and gives the children already peeled and cut scales before practicing for the appliquation of cones.
Every year, children make Christmas crafts,creating toys for decorating a festive Christmas tree. These are lanterns, and painted balls, and figures of animals, and garlands of colored rings. One of the variants of the toy can make such a star, as in the photo below. To do this, you need to cut out from a dense corrugated cardboard pattern on the star. In the upper ray, an ankle is pierced with a screw for a thread or a thin rope, on which a toy will hang on a branch.
Then begins painstaking work onsticking on a strong adhesive, for example, "Moment", pine scales. Begin to make such an application of cones for children along the perimeter of the star, moving gradually towards the central part. If the first row is on the cardboard, then the subsequent rows are placed so that they partially overlap the previous layers. The star turns out to be voluminous.
This is a simple and easy application of cones of spruce.Scales ate thin and perfectly adhered to PVA. First, kids from plasticine roll even large balls of yellow and red. Then attach to a sheet of paper and flatten them with your finger. The middle of the flowers are obtained. The petals are made from spruce elements. It is necessary that the child carefully examined the scales and understood which side to stick it correctly. A sharp edge should look at the color center.
Stalk and leaves are made from thick greenacrylic or mohair knitting thread. This application of cones and plasticine is obtained by volume. Using combined details for the picture, children begin to understand that it is possible to make crafts from different materials, the main thing is to place them skillfully and to embody the idea on a sheet of cardboard.
This craft can be entrusted to the children of the middle groupkindergarten. Four-year-olds already know the structure of the human body, understand how to arrange the details on a sheet of paper for beautiful execution of appliqué of cones and leaves. In this paper, use a small or cut in half a bump as a nose. The remaining details are collected from the leaves.
Rounded parts - head and trunk -are collected from the leaves of poplar. Extended parts should be selected for the legs and hands of the figure. For this, you can search the leaves of willow, ash, walnut. For eyebrows, collect small leaves of acacia. Glue all the details on the PVA glue. It should be thick, not diluted with water, especially for bumps.
Such an application on the theme of "Autumn" of cones can bemake in the elementary classes for the exhibition. This is a large picture, which uses cherry leaves for the trunk, lindens - for the tail, willows - for fine and small details. A leaf is created from the acacia leaf. Also, twigs are useful for making the feet, and from the scales of the cone, tail decorations are made.
If you can not make such holes in the tail for scales, then you can glue them directly on the leaves.
To work on this picture involved childrenolder - six or seven years old. The point is not in the complexity of the picture, but in the duration of the task. A hedgehog is drawn separately on paper, cut out along the contour and glued to a bright, contrasting background, for example, yellow, as in the photo below. Then that part of the animal, which will be covered with scales of spruce, is smeared with a thick layer of plasticine. Babies will not be able to perform such work, since they do not yet have such a power of hands and fingers. The layer should be of such thickness that the "needles" from the scales stick outward and do not fall out of the picture.
After the layer of plasticine is uniformlyis applied, work with natural material begins. Scales are inserted tightly, next to each other, so that clay is not visible. On top of them you can plant a couple of plasticine apples, pears or mushrooms.
For the manufacture of such decorative ornamentson the wall you must first draw the outline of an owl on the cardboard. Then cut the cut out template either on a sheet of fiberboard, or on a thin plywood. The outline of the picture is cut out along the contour. As you can see in the photo, for appliqué of cones, not only scales of pine were used, but also thin twigs, black felt and hemp thin twine.
First, make a bottom "fringe" of thin stickssemicircle. Further laborious work with scales, which need to fill all the space basis. The parts are glued alternately in layers, starting from the bottom. When the entire surface is filled, it remains only to make the eyes of the bird.
Из тонкого листа фетра вырезаются 4 круга.Two large ones will be the basis for the rope, and the small ones will act as the upper part of the eyes (pupils). The rope is wound tight, for convenience you can use tweezers. The surface of the felt circle is smeared with PVA glue, and the rope is immediately put on the adhesive base. A small circle is glued over the spiral. In the end, after both eyes are collected, they are glued to the cones. For better fastening of details it is possible to use joiner's glue or "Moment". In the back wall of the plywood screw a small screw and tie a string, for which this work can be hung on the wall or door.
Going picture of the bark of a tree, foura few cropped cones and dry grass. For small parts use plain cardboard. Pine cones are cut in half by pliers, the sharp part with the tip is not used. Owls are made by folding the head and torso of two cones, turned round side out. It is convenient to stick small parts on them - eyes, ears, beak.
Bottom stick to the frame of the bark a fewbunches of dry grass. So the picture looks more picturesque. Such an autumn application of cones can be performed by a schoolchild at a fair or any craft competition at school, which is usually organized in the fall, at the beginning of the school year.
Such a wonderful composition that looks likeframe from a professional cartoon, in fact, make it easy. To do this, you need to cut a lot of pine flakes and buy a long pumpkin with a sharp tail. It can not be cut off, so the house of forest dwellers or fairy gnomes will look more impressive.
To the roof of the house had a larger diameter, you canbuy two pumpkins of different sizes. From the smaller one, cut the house itself, and from the larger one, make the roof. Before starting to build a structure, you must thoroughly clean the pulp from the pulp. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut the sharp top off a small pumpkin and, in the resulting ball, scrape the flesh with a spoon or knife. In the big pumpkin, the part that will be the top is cut off, and the inside is also carefully cleaned.
In the round part cut windows.For the door, the contours of the door and decorating elements are cut with a sharp metal cutter. To do this, remove a thin layer of skin, do not reach the inner soft part. Need to act carefully. On the roof (on the conical details of the pumpkin more), you can also cut a window in the same way.
All parts are painted with paints.You can take oil paints. Pumpkin smooth, so that the oil will fall on the surface well. If the crafts are made by a schoolchild, then you can paint with thick gouache with minimal addition of water.
At the end, when everything is dry, you can begin to cover the roof with "tiles", namely, the scales of pine cones. In order to make the work bright, all the product put together can be coated with acrylic varnish.
Такой прекрасный природный материал, как шишки и Scales of them can be applied in any idea, to put your most fantastic ideas on cardboard. So create yourself or use our tips. The joy of the work done and beautiful pictures get a must. Good luck!