Developers sotsseti not installed in the systemcleaning the walls. It is possible only to manually delete messages, but with the help of special scripts you can quickly and easily remove entries from the wall "vKontakte." Let's consider this issue in more detail.
In the Mozilla Firefox browser there is a specialAn additional utility called Greasemonkey. You can download it from the Internet project of the browser. The utility allows you to place on the pages a special javascript code.
"In contact" "my messages" can be deleted using a special free program vkbot.
So, if you use the vkbot program, the question of how to delete entries on the "vKontakte" wall disappears by itself. Everything happens simply and quickly.
But how useful is it to use suchapplications? The thing is that social network rules "vKontakte" do not allow any scripts and applications like vkbot to be used. The next important point that must also be taken into account is security.
Proceeding from the foregoing, the most logical anda reliable way of how to delete entries on the wall "vKontakte" is to delete messages manually. This is easy to do. You need to move the cursor to the upper right corner of the desired message and click on the cross. This method is considered the safest.
If the wall "vKontakte" very quickly clogs upall sorts of garbage, you can make it easier to clean. To do this, you must set the necessary settings in the social network itself. Go to the settings and find a tab there called "Privacy." In it we find the point about someone who has the right to leave notes here. It is necessary to put "just me". After that, only your records will be on the wall. They can be very easily removed if necessary.