SEO-optimization is a complex concept, and onpractice is a whole complex of activities that affect not only a specific site, but also many other tools located in the global Internet. Optimization of the pages of the site and there is one of those components without which search optimization can not be carried out. Moreover, this is the starting point for any kind of optimization at the moment.
For most newcomers, SEO optimizationWeb-site is something cumbersome and complex. But in practice, even the most optimistic mothers do extremely simple things in the course of work. The very optimization of the pages of the site consists of the following steps:
The items mentioned above constitute the originalthe point from which the promotion of the site begins, optimization, SEO-competition, if you want. Competition here is not just appropriate, it is necessary: experienced optimizers always look for competitors and monitor how they are optimizing the pages of the site, what positions they have in this case in search engines.
Everything that has been said up to this moment correspondsthe stage of gathering information and drawing up a "picture", with the help of which the real optimization of the site pages will be conducted. Expressed in a formal language, optimization is a set of activities that leads to changes in the text content of the site, internal linking, and optimization of the content of pages at the level of the markup language.
However, it should be said that this is not a one-offprocedure. The fact is that none even the most experienced specialist can never tell what to do about this site, so that the optimization was successful at once. Therefore, many experts always use step-by-step selection of the optimal set of text content, links with keys and various attributes to links, multimedia elements of pages and their meta tags. This "vinaigrette" components of the internal optimization of the site is determined by trial and error, during which it is constantly compared with the same products of competitors. Typically, optimization tasks are considered achieved when the content looks appropriate to those search queries that are relevant to the content of this site.