You can delete a VKontakte group only theoretically.To do this, we must remove all members from it and completely restrict the admission to it. Other methods do not work, because even if it is empty, such a group formally exists anyway. Partly it is convenient, because the creator can at any time restore its activities. On the other hand, when there is a need to completely eliminate the community, problems arise. On the question of how to delete the VKontakte group, there is no direct answer. There are only a few ways, among which you must choose the most suitable. But neither of them removes the group for sure.
You can proceed as described below tominimize the risk of resuming activity on the page. First you need to go to the social networking site. On the page you can find a list of your groups. Clicking on the one that needs to be eliminated, it is necessary to go to the group's page, and then to the community control panel. Before deleting a face-to-face group, you should clear the list of its members. The delete button is located next to the photo of each member. When all participants are deleted, you need to exclude yourself from the community. After all the manipulations on the page there will be an inscription announcing that no members in the group have been found. At this work with the community is not over. You must save the results of the deletion, otherwise the information will be restored.
To save changes you need to go to the tab"Information" and click on the save button. Now you need to restrict access to the community so that new members do not appear in it. To do this, the owner must select a specific type of group. The tab will be called "Private" or "Private". Before you delete a group VKontakte, you must carefully consider the settings. If the main part of the work is done, you should go to the main page and click on the button labeled "Leave group". Then you need to confirm the output. Now the group is empty, and registration of new members in it is impossible. The technique described is the only way to delete a VKontakte group. Other methods do not work or work for a limited period of time.
There is, however, another way that will helpeliminate the page. To do this, the group is simply renamed. You need to give the community a name like "The group does not exist" or "The group is deleted." Then it remains only to wait when the administration of the social network will pay attention to this step. Usually, communities with such names are deleted by the administration itself. However, this will have to wait for a while. And there is always a chance that the page just will not notice. True, this will stop the registration of new users.
Sometimes the ability to completely delete pagesis restored. But you should not count on it. After all, sometimes a community needs to be removed or closed urgently when the necessary function is unavailable. Therefore, it is better to use the method described above, which is practically trouble-free.
Sometimes there is no need to completely destroy the page.You can restrict access to it when creating a community. Then only the administrator of the group will be able to confirm the membership of each applicant for membership. This will protect the group from unnecessary users, only those who are really interested will be in it. A large number of participants is not always useful, because sometimes groups join to spread spam and unnecessary information. Before you delete a group VKontakte, you need to consider all the pros and cons of such a solution. As a result of the closure of the community, some important data or contacts may be lost. It is almost impossible to restore them after complete destruction.