Execution of documents of transport deliveryis carried out in accordance with certain rules of transportation. For transportation by rail and road, as well as by air transport, there is one form of transport documents. For transportation by water transport other documents are provided. Their forms correspond to the established charters and codes.
The contract of carriage of goods contains all the conditions and additional obligations established between the two parties:
The contract of carriage of goodsaccompanied by a waybill or other document containing information about the goods being transported. When traveling, for example, by rail or water, a road register is compiled, the sender receives a receipt for the goods.
As for the value of the goods, it is determined by the price of the goods. The amount of the delivery fee has a certain value, which is deducted on the basis of fixed tariffs or by agreement of the parties.
For failure to comply with any clauses of the contract, liability is provided under the law and on the basis of this contract of carriage.
The reason for the supplier's liability,carrying goods, there may be a lack of goods, its quantity and weight, which do not correspond to the consignment note, the damaged goods. The cost of reimbursement is the amount of actual damage to the customer, and the delivery fee is also refunded if it was made separately.
If any party violates the terms of the contract, the affected party may apply to the court to resolve these issues.
The contract of international carriage of goods is issued when goods and various luggage are transported across Russia with departure to foreign countries.
International delivery is carried out by the same modes of transport as in the country, and the documents are drawn up, respectively, in the same way.
The contract of carriage of goods is of great importance both for the company delivering the goods and for its customers.