Today it is necessary to find out which "Svyaznoy Travel"Receives reviews. The fact is that this organization is gaining popularity every day. What it is? What does she do? What services does it offer? And are the customers satisfied with the work of this company? All this helps to judge numerous reviews. So what to look for in the first place?
First you have to figure out what this company is. "Svyaznoy Travel" gets a variety of reviews. But before studying them, it is important to understand what kind of organization is in front of us.
"Связной Трэвел" - это новая возможность от the company "Svyaznoy". The department sells a variety of travel tickets. For example, by plane or train. This is a project of the Svyaznoy store selling equipment, in particular, gadgets and accessories for them.
Svyaznoy Travel is, as has already been said, an opportunity that is being promoted by the well-known trade network in Russia. Many are interested in where the organization is located.
It is rather difficult to answer.After all, there is no definitive answer. Svyaznoy Travel is the project. You can use his services at any office of the Svyaznoy store. Exact addresses need to be recognized in each city separately. There are a lot of them.
True, "Svyaznoy Travel" often receives reviews as an Internet project. It can be used through the World Wide Web. To do this, just go to
What are the "Svyaznoy Travel" contacts?Reviews indicate that in addition to the official project page there should be phone numbers with the organization. Fortunately, there are no problems in this area.
You can call any phone number of the Svyaznoy commercial network. The numbers of this company are used to obtain this or that information about the opportunity called Svyaznoy Travel.
Nevertheless, individual contacts are still available. For communication on questions of money back and tickets, you can dial the following combinations on the phone:
Помимо всего прочего, предлагается для возврата use the "Feedback" on the official page of the project. All this makes the service convenient and easy. The most popular is the Internet version of the project.
Какие конкретно услуги предлагает организация?Svyaznoy Travel is an opportunity from the Svyaznoy company, which was invented for travelers. Now they can get special services. Which ones?
Among the features of the project, as a rule, there are:
In general, everything that you may needto the traveler. "Svyaznoy Travel" sells cheap flights. And this is one of the reasons why people are interested in the project. What else to pay attention to potential buyers? What is this offer?
"Svyaznoy Travel" receives positive customer feedback for the prices offered. Why?
As already mentioned, the organization offersvery humane ticket prices. And it attracts. No need to pay a lot of money for a trip or a hotel room. Minimum markup for services is always a plus for any company that sells.
"Svyaznoy Travel" air tickets cheap sellsresidents of Russia. The same applies to all other services. Customers indicate that this project makes travel affordable. And without extra spending. Most prices are really low. Therefore, it is recommended to study offers to those who wish to travel without overpayments. "Svyaznoy Travel" is perfect for translating this idea into reality.
Но не все так хорошо, как кажется.The fact is that "Svyaznoy Travel" receives not always good reviews. Some negative points of this organization are still there. However, like all other companies.
Отмечается, что много споров и негатива state about the return of funds. Some clients say that they either don’t return the money or do it with certain violations. Not always, but there are a lot of complaints of this type.
Some customers advise just carefullystudy the conditions for a refund, as well as carefully think through your journey. Then the probability of obtaining a negative experience with the organization can be minimized. Svyaznoy Travel is far from the worst company ever. But the service has some negative aspects of work when deciding on the return of funds to customers.
In addition, the ticket office "Svyaznoy Travel"(review and reviews are presented to your attention) is not the best opinion earns for their work. In particular, some buyers say that by purchasing a ticket on this service, you will not receive any guarantees for departure at a specified time.
Sometimes inaccuracies can occur regardingdeparture time, or the flight is able to cancel at any time. This must be considered. Otherwise, the organization may be suspected of fraud. In fact, it is not. But Svyaznoy Travel sometimes gets feedback that indicate that the project is really a real scam. The company allegedly deceive their customers and disrupt certain flights.
Feedback about the company "Svyaznoy Travel" can leaveeveryone. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure whether an organization is really not quite honest in its behavior towards customers. There is no evidence of this. But on the project often respond in the best light. Why do people advise each other this service?
The fact is that Svyaznoy Travel reviewsgets a positive character for the fact that you can book and order tickets at affordable prices without leaving your home. Just a few minutes - and a ticket for a particular flight, along with a place in a particular hotel, is booked! It is also proposed to make a return online. This is quite common and normal. Mobility, modernity and convenience - this is what attracts customers.
In addition, among the advantages distinguish the fact thatSvyaznoy Travel operates under the leadership of the Svyaznoy retail chain. You can pay for tickets or return them directly at any branch of the same-name store. There are also invited to buy tickets and book rooms. Everything is done specifically for those who do not trust the Internet or do not know how to use it.
For the convenience of service and work site "SvyaznoyTravel "is recognized as one of the best. But some are discouraged by the negativity expressed to the organization. In fact, if you carefully read the conditions with which the buyer agrees, no problems will arise.
"Svyaznoy Travel" reviews are not the best getsfor customer service. Order a ticket and get it offered without much difficulty. And those who did not have any questions, are satisfied with the work and service at 100%.
But if the buyer wants to returnor just clarify this or that information will have to try. By phone, they do not always answer the questions asked. Moreover, many simply recommend contacting Svyaznoy for more detailed advice.
In stores, workers often do not even knowwhat to answer to the buyer, because their responsibility does not include working with the Svyaznoy Travel service. Therefore, maintenance problems arise. Every user should remember this. Not the most negative moment, but it takes place.
What conclusions can be drawn from allthe above? The fact is that Svyaznoy Travel is a relatively new project. It works well, in good faith, but some issues related to the service, can not quickly resolve. From this it turns out that the organization is deceiving its clients.
In fact, "Svyaznoy Travel" sellsreally cheap tickets for travelers. If you familiarize yourself in advance with all the information regarding the refund and tickets, as well as the replacement of the flight, no complaints will arise to the project. So say those who are prepared for the flight and purchase tickets.
The good news is that "Svyaznoy Travel" is notscammers They really carry out legal sales of tickets and room reservations. This is not a hoax. The service can be trusted, but it is important to have a good look at all the information provided. With the right actions, it will be possible to save a lot of money on traveling with tickets purchased in Svyaznoy Travel.