/ / List of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales for grades 3 and 4

List of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales for grades 3 and 4

No one could have guessed when in a poor familyLittle Hans Christian was born, that the whole world will recognize him. And the boy grew and fantasized. He played in a puppet theater, which took him from a small room to the big world, and for him a pot of flowers became a huge garden. When Hans grew up, he began to write fairy tales not at once, but with the first magical stories, the readers' love came to him. The list of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales is very large.

list of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen
They are translated into different languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

Fairy tales that develop imagination

First, all of Andersen's works are veryinteresting and exciting. They come to life the most familiar everyday objects - a needle that dreams of becoming a beautiful brooch, a collar that talks with an iron, a Christmas tree that comes to life and begins to dream, how beautiful it will be when it's dressed, flowers in the little Ida's room talk at night.

fairy tale ghansa Christiana Andersen list for class 4
These stories are called "Darning Needle", "Collar", "Spruce", "Flowers of a Small Ida". This list of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales can be continued.

Tales that teach that miracles happen

Secondly, in the magical world of Andersen happenincredible transformations. A simple flint suddenly becomes extraordinary and helps its owner - a retired soldier, and he can tame the huge dogs guarding the treasure, and marry the princess. Accidentally put on galoshes can transfer a person to a remote past ("Kaloshi of Happiness"), near the bed of the boy's soaked leg, an elder bushes suddenly blossom, and the Buzzard Mother looks out of it and tells the sick boy an entertaining story. The list of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales does not end there.

Kindness is the master of the earth

Thirdly, in the stories invented by Andersenalmost never there is a sad end. But it's sad when evil becomes the master of the world. In the tales of Andersen this does not happen. And when good fights against evil, like the brave little Gerda with the Snow Queen, then the soul becomes joyful when her friend Kai returns home, and the charms of the Snow Queen disappear without a trace. And roses start to bloom again for Christmas. The list of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales with such an end can be continued indefinitely. After all, he wrote a lot of them. And most importantly, that you follow the adventures of heroes and experience them, they sympathize with them when they get into a difficult situation, and you are happy when savvy and surrounding people and animals help the hero. Long and short, smart and kind, magical and everyday - very long including the tales of Hans Christian Andersen's list. Photo shows us storyteller - a kind and wise man.

fairy tale hans christians andersen list

He traveled extensively throughout Europe, learned not only his native Denmark, well learned to understand both adults and children, so his tales and stories are so popular.

What will they learn in school?

In the classroom, not only is taught to read and write, but mostthe main thing is to learn to think. This is helped in the initial classes by Andersen's tales. "The Ugly Duckling", "Nightingale", "Thumbelina", "Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Snow Queen", "Little Mermaid", "Swineherd", "Princess on the Pea", "Wild Swans", "Ugly Duckling", "Fireside" "," The New Dress of the King "," Ole Lukoie "," El "- these are the tales of Hans Christian Andersen, a list for the third grade. You can recall some of them, the most beloved or instructive. The list of the most popular is below.

1. "The new dress of the king"

This story describes a medieval country,ruled, unfortunately by the inhabitants, a completely stupid man. Well, unless the ruler of the country should be interested only in beautiful clothes? Well, is it possible to spend money only on clothes, and not on building a school, hospital or theater? Well, did his ministers have to tell him lies? Why are people in his kingdom silent and whispering? These are the current questions that arise when you read this story. This is a tale of fear. It is because of him that everyone is silent. And only one boy, seeing a procession on the street with the king, who was wearing no clothes, said what everyone was thinking.

what fairy tales did hans christians andersen write
Only one had the intelligence and the courage to tell the truth. And all the people began to laugh. And laughter drives away fear. And after the boy’s words, everyone will learn to speak the truth. This is a clever tale, it continues "Nightingale."

2. "Nightingale"

This is a story that only the living, the present,genuine can save a person's life. When the Chinese emperor was bored with a living nightingale, he began to listen to a mechanical bird decorated with precious stones. And so the emperor fell ill, and Death bent over him, and in the room at night there was a terrible silence.

fairy tales of hans christian andersen list for grade 3
But the nightingale flew in and heard from behind the windowwondrous sounds. He sang in such a way that Death grieved over the cemetery and disappeared as the fog dissolved in the morning. And the nightingale sang and sang, and the emperor fell asleep and woke up healthy in the morning. And the nightingale promised to fly every day and sing about the truth that the emperor does not know, which is hidden from him. All these tales are being studied in greater depth and in more detail in grade 4, because they are instructive, these tales by Hans Christian Andersen. The list for class 4 does not expand, but when reading, more time is given to think about the meaning of the work.

3. “Wild Swans”

And what a wonderful story was invented about the courageousPrincess Elise, who sat in the dungeon and wicked with her bare hands the evil burning nettle, from which her hands were blistered. She needed to save her brother-princes, who were turned into swans. In order for them to become human again, Eliza had to keep silent and weave clothes for the brothers from nettle. The girl’s perseverance and diligence helped to cope with the work on time, and she returned them the human form. The fiction of the writer suggests that, despite all the circumstances, you should try to do everything you can to save a person, even if at the same time you are in danger of trouble. Here are some fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen. The list of magical compositions is long. They are interesting to read, it is interesting to dream over them.

4. "The Princess and the Pea"

Об этой коротенькой фантастической сказке можно ask a few questions. Why did the prince choose a bride for a long time and could not decide to do it? How did the prince and the real princess meet? What did the queen come up with? What kind of bed did the princess have?

fairy tales of hans christian anderssen photo list
How did the princess sleep at night?What did they do with this hindrance then? This is a funny story, but it says that the true and the clean sometimes hides under the plain view. Various wrote fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen. The list is one hundred and sixty eight stories!

5. "Little Mermaid"

Sad story tells of selflesslove, ready for any test. The mermaid lived well with her sisters in her father's palace. But she wanted to have, as in humans, an immortal soul. For this it was necessary to transfer a lot of tests, save the prince during a shipwreck, then marry him. But her dream collapsed when the prince married a real princess, and then the poor little mermaid turned into sea foam, but she did not die, but began to observe life from heaven. Good deeds on earth brought her closer to the dream, and bad things moved her away. In Amsterdam, put a monument to the Little Mermaid. She sits on a huge boulder and looks at the sea and at people. And the waves break on a huge stone.

Different stories and tales composed by Andersen. They are happy to be re-read by adults and find in them what they did not notice in childhood.

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