/ / Night club "Saxon" (Kiev)

Night club "Saxon" (Kiev)

Now in fashion are places where the interior andthe appointment of an institution causes dissonance. The Saxon Club (Kyiv) is not the first place where the medieval interior is combined with decoration with LED ribbons and modern musical accompaniment, but it is undoubtedly the best in Ukraine. Let's talk about this institution in more detail.

About the club

club saxon kiev
When the previously abandoned cinema was made at nightclub, no one thought that it would become one of the most popular places in the city. First of all, it's worth praising this place for its exquisite interior. It is very nice to be there. On the walls of the institution you will find reproductions of paintings by famous masters, knight shields and stained-glass windows. The Saxon Club (Kiev) has three floors, which are connected by a staircase, decorated with natural stone and wood. In the center of the hall there is a fireplace, near which guests like to take unusual pictures.

If you do not take music into account, then youit will seem that you have moved in time and got into a medieval castle. Will return you to the present one of the three bars, the stand of which is decorated with LED tape. With the atmosphere of the club can be found in advance, flipping the tape in the "Instagram" or viewing a virtual tour on the club's website.

Most of all "Saxon" (Kiev, night club)attracts attention not with its interesting decoration, but with music. For a five-year history, it was made by a lot of DJs from the Netherlands, Russia, Great Britain and, of course, Ukraine. The most popular contemporary performers such as Monatik, Max Barskikh, "Time and Glass" were on the stage of the club.

Offers and promotions

saxon club kiev
Every day, the Saxon Club (Kyiv) pleases the guestsan incendiary show program. On weekdays, girls can visit the institution for free, and on weekends they can freely go to the club until midnight. In addition, the institution has special promotions for the birthday and special conditions for the "Devichnikov".

If you like to sing, then on the terrace you canrelax in the karaoke zone. On its territory there are three favorable offers at once: discounts for birthday people, a free bottle of champagne when booking a table, a hookah from the institution when ordering for 800 hryvnia (about 2000 rubles).

For companies that like strong drinks,"Saxon" (club, Kiev) offers a special Duty-free menu. It represents a beneficial discount on alcohol, refreshments and energy drinks collected in ready-made sets. It is most profitable to use this offer from Sunday to Thursday, on Friday and Saturday the prices are slightly higher.

Dress code

saxon night club
If you want to visit "Saxon" (club, Kiev), thenIt is worth to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules of the dress code. They are almost the same as in other institutions, but there are several features. The security determines the quality of clothes perfectly, so people who wear branded items from the average price category and above are guaranteed to enter the club. It is best if it is casual or culture.

Your image must match fashiontrends, but not freak. Do not get into the club people wearing sportswear. Be sure to take your passport with you, since it is impossible to get to the "Saxon" (Kiev, night club) underage. At the entrance screen off aggressive people, as well as those who are in drug or alcohol intoxication. Such strict rules allow you to make your holiday unforgettable. In this institution, there are no fights and conflict situations.

Reviews about the place

club saxon reviews
The Saxon Club reviews are contradictory.Some visitors praise the personnel and the security service, while others are clearly offended by the actions of the club's employees. Complaints are not caused by the work of the security service, which independently suppresses the thefts and quickly suppresses conflicts. However, the work of waiters is often criticized. In particular, over the past six months, visitors have complained about the recklessness and reluctance to give change. By the way, the club's administrators respond to such responses, clarify information and punish the perpetrators.

Many complain that the repertoire of the club "Saxon"(Kiev) updates extremely rarely. This can be heard most often from the regulars of the institution, but they also praise the work of individual MCs. Parties in general are rated positively, but photos from them are scolded for excessive retouching. Because of this, the faces of club guests seem unnatural. Sometimes the photographer does not do his job very conscientiously, and therefore receives negative feedback for inaction.

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