/ Innovations and organization as a function of management. Creative management in organizations

Innovation and organization as a function of management. Creative management in organizations

Innovative development is a priority in theeconomic development of any country. A variety of programs adopted in this segment of economic activity, as one of the main elements, contain activities aimed at improving the management of an organization - an enterprise or an institution functioning as an economic entity. The main goal of these programs is the transfer of the country's economy to the mode of innovative development within the framework of the national economic model and the creation of a high-tech and competitive economy.

The most important elements of the innovation system are innovative organizations that implement all the stages of the innovation cycle.

One of the main implementation mechanismsan innovative cycle is an analysis of the organization's management system and innovative management. To innovative management include a set of principles, tools and methods for implementing the functions of managing innovation.

At the same time, in the broad sense, under innovations wewe will understand all kinds of innovations that increase the efficiency of economic development in all areas: from economics and science to defense activities and social work. In the narrow sense of innovation - these are new technologies, products and services, procedures and technologies, organizational and technical measures that contribute to the promotion of production results on the market. At the same time, at each stage of the innovation process, the organization as a management function is the main tool for this transition.

At present, the most important taskis the creation of basic innovations that create such a phenomenon when the organization itself, as a function of management, turns into an innovative product. In fact, only it is able to provide a breakthrough in the development of the country, production and technology. At the heart of such innovations should lie inventions that make a qualitative leap in the relevant field of science and technology. The management of the development of such inventions is assigned to "creative management". Such an organization, as a function of management in general, is, in turn, an element of innovative management. In a functional sense, creative management should be understood as the management of personnel in organizations, which is wholly directed to the effective use of the creative potential of employees to achieve the organization's goals. The stages of the innovation cycle on which the methods of creative management are implemented are:

1. "Formation of ideas", including sub-steps:

- Problem statement (tasks).

- Collection and analysis of information on innovations in this field, target markets and consumer requirements.

- Development of a development forecast in this area.

- Generation of new ideas that solve the problem.

2. “Selection of ideas”, including sub-steps:

- Evaluation of the feasibility of new ideas,

- Conformity assessment of the organization’s strategy,

- Evaluation of expected costs and benefits,

- Selection of the best idea, the most fully corresponding to the capabilities of the organization and providing the greatest effect.

Любая его организация, как функция менеджмента, It assumes that creative management can be conditionally classified into components - focused on the external environment of an enterprise, and also focused on personnel (on the internal environment) of an enterprise. The main feature of creativity in modern conditions is its team character.

To methods oriented to the external environmententerprises can be attributed all the marketing methods focused on collecting market information. These include: surveys of consumers, customers, dealers, focus group method, marketing experiment, observation. The methods aimed at the personnel of a company or a company are by their nature intended to form creative ideas at the pre-project stage of the innovation cycle. These include brainstorming, group discussion, search methods. All methods of creative management can be classified into three main groups: methods of psychological activation of thinking, methods of directional and systematic search.

As a rule, different methods of creative management are used at different stages and stages of the innovation cycle.

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